
"By Her Hand..." Movie: Cath's Sketches

Here's more cool stuff from the upcoming indie movie based on my short story, "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down." The story focuses on a young artist, Cath, and her struggle with a strange hunger that can only be fed by drawing the life force from the subjects that she sketches. In the story, Cath "feeds" directly from the sketches she does. In the movie, Anthony Sumner adds a wonderful visual aspect to this by having the sketches change after Cath feeds from them. Here's a short movie made up of the "after" sketches that were used in the actual movie.

Impossibilia: Another great review

In his Case Notes review column in the latest issue of the fine UK magazine, Black Static, Peter Tennant gives my first collection, Impossibilia, a great review, at the same time showing that he, like me, is a fan of the Boss: "A book that ably demonstrates what Smith is capable of as a writer, added to which, anyone who references Springsteen songs in their titles is going to get the thumbs up from me."

And on the lead story, "A Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase, by Van Gogh": "A clever story and a moving one, with the character of the two leads put over well, and the ghosts that haunt them brought to effective life on the page. Smith is adept at tying together the different plot strands and filling in people’s back story in a way that doesn’t interrupt the narrative flow."

And on the closing story "Going Down to Lucky Town": "Smith takes a simple idea and finds potential that many other writers would have overlooked in favour of some easier option. At the story’s heart is the relationship between father and daughter, and the things they do to make this work, rendered with a singular care and tenderness, the appreciation that sometimes we muck up without meaning to and that sacrifices are required."

You can read more Impossibilia reviews here and if you're interested, you can order your own copy from my store.

"By Her Hand…" Movie: Poster Coolness

I’ve written earlier (here and here) about the indie film based on my short story "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down."

The director, Anthony G. Sumner of TinyCore Pictures, recently provided me with the incredibly cool poster for the movie to the left.

The model on the poster is Zoë Daelman Chlanda, the actress who plays the artist "Cath" in the movie. Anthony is wrapping up post-production now and will have the film ready for film festivals this year. The movie will also be released on an anthology DVD called "Gallery of Fear" as one of four short horror films.

More news to follow, including how to order a special collector's item "Movie Companion" book.

The Pace of Change

Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate, a pace that is itself accelerating each year.

For example, did you know...

  • China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world
  • The expected top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004
  • If MySpace were a country, it would be the 5th most populous in the world

If any of these factoids are surprising, check out this video from Sony...

IMPOSSIBILIA launch: Wed Mar 4 at McMaster U bookstore

Fellow writer, Mark Leslie, will be hosting a launch for my collection, Impossibilia, at Titles, the McMaster University bookstore, on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 from noon to 2:00 pm.

IMPOSSIBILIA launch: Sat Feb 7 at BakkaPhoenix

BakkaPhoenix logoBakkaPhoenix, Canada's oldest SF and fantasy bookstore, will be hosting a launch for my collection, Impossibilia. on Saturday February 7, 2009 at 3:00 pm. I hope that if you're in the Toronto area that you'll be able to drop in at the launch. I'll be doing a reading, signing copies, and providing some free give-aways. BakkaPhoenix is located at 697 Queen Street West in Toronto. Complete directions to BakkaPhoenix are available here. You can read more about Impossibilia including reviews and excerpts here. Hope to see you there!

Hugo and Aurora plug for IMPOSSIBILIA from Robert J. Sawyer

Multiple award winning and internationally published Canadian SF author Robert J. Sawyer has posted his personal suggestions for this year's Hugo Awards (the top international honours in science fiction) and Aurora Awards (the Canadian national SF awards). And his list includes my recent collection, Impossibilia. Cool! Thanks a lot, Rob! You can check out Rob's list of recommended works on his blog entry. Both the Auroras and the Hugos are fan voted awards. If you're interested in nominating for the Auroras, check out my earlier post. To nominate for the Hugos, you need to be an attending or supporting member of either last year's World Science Fiction Convention in Denver or this year's one in Montreal.

Great reviews for IMPOSSIBILIA

Impossibilia coverSuperb writing. Three perfect stories. Echoes of Ellison and Bradbury. Okay, I'll take it. My first mini-collection, Impossibilia, was released in November and has been getting great reviews. Here's a sample:

"The writing is superb. Douglas Smith is an artisan and his stories beautifully crafted... In my search for the perfect short story, the three in this volume certainly qualify." "The revolution of themes and words is very fluid throughout this story, making the pace almost rhythmic, drawing you along... The ending is a perfect resolution... "The characters are intriguing and the story beguiling. I would like to read more about these characters." "Another great story, but I'm getting used to that. Deft handling of character and setting..."

—Kelly Jensen, SF Crowsnest Book Reviews

"Each story [in Impossibilia] is unique and different, showcasing a different aspect of Douglas Smith's talent. [...] A fun romp that delivered something different [with] stories that are exhilarating..." "... an adventurous tale that's propelled by character drama ... If this was a Hollywood movie, this would be your blockbuster film, complete with adrenaline-pumping action, expensive special effects, and even a sex scene or two to lure in a mainstream audience." "Characterization, foreshadowing, and even action--Smith has it down pat with this story.

—Charles Tan, Bibilophile Stalker - Speculative Fiction Reviews, December 2008

"In his elegant and perceptive introduction to this latest showcase collection from PS Publishing, Chaz Brenchley reminds us that 'the proper focus of a story, any sto ry, lies in the characters that inhabit it.' In the three novelettes that comprise Impossibilia, Douglas Smith [lays] bare the psychological and emotional fragility that motivates his characters." "[Smith delivers] a convincingly rendered portrait of a man struggling to maintain his psychic equilibrium in the face of powerful and destructive emotional forces. ... Right up to the story’s surprising conclusion, Smith keeps his readers guessing ... It’s an ending that shouldn’t work but somehow does, and it’s a testament to the writer’s skill that their fate seems entirely fitting. " "Smith once more creates a credible and sympathetic protagonist..." "There are echoes of Ellison again, and of Ray Bradbury, in this understated and deeply moving tale [...] a deceptively simple narrative of luck, loss, betrayal, and redemption. [The father / daughter interaction] is handled with honesty and a real understanding of the complexity of a relationship between two individuals"

—Mike O'Driscoll, The Fix, December 2008

Read more about Impossibilia here.

Most Underrated Author? Really!? Cool!!

A self-Google recently led me to an interview at SF Signal where those good folks were commenting that it was hard enough trying to keep up with all the new books by 'name' authors, let alone trying to discover something new and interesting. How, they wondered, do you find that 'underrated' author whose books you should be reading? For help, they turned to a panel of authors and editors and asked them this question:

Question: Which author, living or otherwise, do you believe deserves more recognition than they currently receive and why?

The wonderful Canadian author, Julie Czerneda, gave this as her surprising reply (well, it was surprising to me):

"I'm to pick just one? That's tough. In that case, I'll toss Douglas Smith into the hat. With every new story, the more impressed I am with his subtlety and vision. I've yet to read a work of his that wasn't beautifully written, but more than that, his stories resonate with a deep understanding of the human condition as well as a characteristic wry wonder. Reminds me of James Alan Gardner, actually. Stories you can't forget, even years later. Doug's published extensively, though only in short fiction to date, but I believe he's also working on a novel. Thank goodness! When that's published, it will be on my must-read pile for sure."

Thanks, Jules! Julie is the author of The Clan Chronicles, including Reap the Wild Wind and Riders of the Storm, and the editor of Misspelled, all from DAW Books.

"New Year's Eve" story online again

To mark the start of a new year, I'm featuring my story "New Year's Eve" in my store. The story first appeared in issue #128 of the UK magazine InterZone in 1998. It's one of my early stories – it was only my second sale and my first big sale. The story was short-listed for the Aurora the following year and has since been reprinted five time and in four languages. The story revolves around the so-called Y2k bug, which was hyped to the hysteria level in the years and months running up to 2000.

It's the only story that I've written that draws heavily from my day-job experiences in the tech industry, and probably will be the only one. I write for pleasure, not to spend more time in my job. Hope you enjoy it, but remember, this was one of my first. And as always, comments and feedback are welcome.


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