Free online fiction
Hi! On this page, I've compiled a list of selected audio / podcast versions of my stories available online. I’ve also included a list of my stories that were translated from English for publication that can be read online (assuming you read that language).
I can't promise all of these will remain available (or for free), but most audio markets do keep past issues archived and accessible. Enjoy!
Free Audio Stories
"Out of the Light" on The No Sleep Podcast (Coming soon!)
"The Dancer at the Red Door" on The No Sleep Podcast: Episode 24, Season 19 (starts about 1:25:25) (July 2023)
"Nothing" on The No Sleep Podcast: Episode 13, Season 18 (starts about 5:00) (Sept 2022)
"Doorways" on Tales to Terrify: Part 1, Episode 434 (starts at 12:01) | Part 2: Episode 435 (starts at 13:20) (May 2020)
"Enlightenment" on StarShipSofa: Episode 630 (March 2020)
"By Her Hand, She Draws You Down" on The No Sleep Podcast: Episode 20, Season 13 (April 2019)
"A Bird in the Hand" on StarShipSofa: Episode 567 (December 2018)
"Spirit Dance" on Far Fetched Fables: Episode 163 (June 2017)
"Scream Angel" on StarshipSofa: Episode 462 (November 2016)
"Radio Nowhere" on Escape Pod: Episode 306 (August 2011)
Free Translated Stories
My stories have appeared in twenty-six languages and thirty-four countries around the world. Here's a selection of some translated versions of my short fiction.
"La Danse Des Esprits" ("Spirit Dance," translator: Benoit Domis)
"La Parade Du Hoyl" ("A Bird In The Hand," translator: Benoit Domis)
Galician (Portugal)
"By Her Hand, She Draws You Down"
"Mal'ach Tze'aka" ("Scream Angel," in Bli Panika, translator: Inbar Greenstein)
"Scream Angel" (in Robot, translator: Elisabetta Vernier, illustrator: Giuseppe Festino)
"Enlightenment" (in Delos, translator: Elisabetta Vernier)
"Scream Angel" (partial only, in Sci-Fi Magazin)
"La danza de los espíritus" ("Spirit Dance")