
Here are some selected interviews with me (most recent listed first):


My Entertainment World — I’m interviewed on my writing, the first thing I remember writing, my influences, and recent works on this popular entertainment site’s Author Spotlight series, which aims to "shine a light on writers creating heartfelt and original work across genres, giving them an opportunity to talk about their books and why they do what they do."

CHCH-TV Morning Live show — I’m interviewed on Hamilton’s Morning TV show about The Dream Rider Saga trilogy and where the idea for the series came from.

Astound TV interview (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) — Host Artie Freeman interviews me on his Cultural Bridges show on the Astound TV network in the US about The Dream Rider Saga trilogy and my writing

Worldshapers podcast — Fellow author Ed Willett interviews me on his ongoing "The Worldshapers" podcast about The Dream Rider Saga trilogy and my writing process.

Speculating Canada interview — Activist, author, artist, editor, and educator, Derek Newman-Stille interviews me on his award-winning Speculating Canada podcast about The Dream Rider Saga trilogy, including its themes of disability, income disparity, racial diversity, found family, and setting it in Toronto.

The Richard Crouse Show — Canada’s most recognized movie critic interviews me on his nationally syndicated iHeart Radio Show about the release of The Lost Expedition: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3; my writing process; and more. Note: it will open in SoundCloud. My segment starts at about 19:55, and is about 18 minutes long. You don't need a SoundCloud account to listen, but you do need an account (and be signed in) if you want to skip ahead.

CBC Radio’s Fresh Air — Fresh Air host, Ismaila Alfa, interviews me on being an indie author and the release of The Lost Expedition: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3

640AM Talk Radio's "Toronto This Weekend" interview — Ben Mulroney interviews me on the release of The Lost Expedition: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3 and about setting books in Toronto and Canada. (it opens up in Spotify, but you don't need an account to listen)

105.9 FM interview — interview on 105.9 FM (York Region Radio) about the upcoming release of The Lost Expedition: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3, and also about advice for anyone wanting to chase a writing dream as a second career (interview starts about the 42.52 minute mark)

New in Books interview — interviews me on the release of The Lost Expedition: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3 and on writing in general.

Three Things I Learned interview — Fellow writer, Matty Dalrymple, interviews me on three things I learned from writing my most recent novel, The Lost Expedition: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 3.


Meet the Author interview — Horror, SF, and fantasy author Jonathan Pongratz interviews me about my writing, my process, and a bunch of other stuff in a wide-ranging discussion.

Hidden Gems podcast interview — Craig Tuch and Roland Hulme of Hidden Gems interview me about the complexities of licensing rights to short fiction.

Re-Creative podcast interview — Fellow writers Joe Mahoney and Mark Rayner and I discuss one of my favourite paintings, which has a connection to a favourite writer, on their Re-Creative podcast.

New in Books Interview — New in Books interviews me on my new release, The Crystal Key, and on writing in general.


"Symphony" & Plotting in Fiction — Taipei-based writer, Todd Sullivan, interviews me about my short story "Symphony" and about plotting in fiction.


Interview by Susan Forest — award-winning writer and editor, Susan Forest, interviews me about writing and The Wolf at the End of the World.

Chat and Spin Radio — Web radio station in the UK. The short interview (ten minutes, maybe) starts at exactly the 35:00 minute mark. We chat about my writing, my collections, and my Heroka shapeshifter novel The Wolf at the End of the World.


The Panic Room podcast — Genre writing podcast. My bit starts at about the 19:30 mark. We chat about my writing, werewolf and shapeshifter movies, my shapeshifter novel The Wolf at the End of the World, Steven King, and baseball, specifically the Blue Jays.


Laura Power's "Write Hot" Podcast — Laura Powers, Celebrity Psychic, Host, Entertainer, and fellow writer, interviews me on iTunes on her Write Hot podcast about short fiction and my writer's guide, Playing the Short Game. The podcast is also available on Sitcher and iTunes.

Sherry D Ramsey's blog — Fellow writer, Sherry D. Ramsey, interviews me about writing my story "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down," why I love short fiction, my all-time favourite short story, my approach to novel writing, my fascination with shapeshifter stories, what music I listen to while writing, and what I'm working on now.


Character interview with Gwyn Blaidd — Fantasy author A.L. Butcher interviews Gwyn, the reclusive shapeshifter hero of my urban fantasy novel The Wolf at the End of the World


Interview at Festivale Magazine — The Australian online arts and entertainment magazine asks me "The Usual Questions" in their long-running (1999) interview series.

The Science of Fiction interview — Author Gareth D. Jones interviews me about selling stories to foreign language markets, the Foreign Market List, the move to novel-length works, and my current writing projects.

Fantasy Fiction Focus video interview — Author Simon Rose interviews me about writing and publishing (video interview).

Young Explorer's Adventure Guide interview — Author Vanessa MacLellan interviews me about my story in this anthology (in which she also has a story) and writing in general.


Eating Authors Interview — Author Lawrence M. Schoen invites me to share my most memorable meal in his regular blog series.

The Conscious Interview — Author Corey Redekop interviews me about THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD. Part 2 here.

The Sub-conscious Interview — Author Corey Redekop interviews me about writing and Buffy (yes, Buffy!).


Markham Review interview — Aliza Libman Baronofsky interviews me about my novel, THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD and moving from short fiction to novels. (2013)

As You Were interview — Writer and editor David Jón Fuller interviews me about my novel, THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD for his recurring "Werewolf Wednesdays" feature on his site. (2013)

Trent Radio interview — Derek Newman-Stille, recent Aurora Award winner for his Speculating Canada website, interviews me on a wide range of topics around my novel, THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD, including werewolves, myths and legends, disability in SF, ecology, the power of SF to challenge social assumptions, representations of oppressed peoples in SF, writing short fiction, and blurring the boundaries between horror, science fiction, and fantasy. (2013)

Kobo Writing Life podcast — KWL Director Mark Lefebvre interviews me about my writing career in general and my new novel, THE WOLF AT THE END OF THE WORLD (2013)

Warpworld interview — author Kristene Perron (Warpworld series) reviews Chimerascope and interviews me on story structure. (2013)

Reality Skimming interview — I talk about my Foreign Market List and selling translations of short ficton to foreign markets on Lynda William's Okal Rel Universe blog (2013)


Warpworld interview — Kristene Perron interviews me on reading, books that changed my life, and how to make your kids love reading. (2012)

Speculating Canada interview — Derek Newman-Stille interviews me on writing, the creative process, the power of speculative fiction as a genre, and other topics. (2012)


Choosing a Small Press — Krista D. Ball interviews me on my recommendations for selecting a small press on her "Writer in Residence" blog (part 3 of 3). (2011)

The Road to Small Press — Krista D. Ball interviews me on my decision to go with small presses for my collections on her "Writer in Residence" blog (part 2 of 3). (2011)

Selling a Collection — Krista D. Ball interviews me on my experiences with selling my first two collections on her "Writer in Residence" blog (part 1 of 3). (2011)

John Mierau podcast interview — Friend, fellow writer, and prolific podcast interviewer John Mierau interviews me about, um, ever so much. Short fiction, e-pubbing, marketing, and much more. (2011)

Writing Short Fiction — Krista D. Ball interviews me on writing short fiction on her "Writer in Residence" blog. (2011)

Edmonton Public Library Interview: EPL Writer-in-Residence Marty Chan interviews me about my best rejection story, music as writing inspiration, writer treats at the end of a project, writing project nightmares, book recommendations for a 20-hour flight, questions for dead writers, guilty pleasures for procrastinating, and advice to new writers. (2011)

Blog Talk Radio podcast: Fellow writers Susan Wingate and Joshua Miller interview me on their web radio show about Chimerascope, short fiction, ebooks, foreign markets, and more. My interview starts about 9.5 minutes into the show. (2011)

A "Pick Six" interview with Heidi Ruby Miller: Writer Heidi Ruby Miller provides 15 questions and asks me to choose six to answer. See what ones I picked. (2011)

Blood and Vegetables blog — Spirit in the Night: Claire Horsnell at B&V interviews me about my Springsteen stories, small presses in general and ChiZine publication in particular, the By Her Hand movie, Chimerascope and the CBC bookies, and other writing projects. (2011)


Planet Shifter Magazine — Dreaming is a Power: Willi Paul at interviews me on the new mythologies, inspirational sources, myth making and innovation, shamanism and alchemy, animal identity, and many other things, in one of the more unusual interviews I've had the pleasure to be part of. (2010)

The Torontoist — Chimerascope and Other Myths: The Torontoist interviews me about my collection Chimerascope, my writing influences, and writing in general. (2010)

The Night Fright Radio Show podcast: Host Brent Holland interviews editor Mark Leslie along with me and fellow writer Nancy Kilpatrick about the Campus Chills anthology. My part starts about 1/4 of the way into the program. (2010) podcast: Host Joseph Planta interviews me about Chimerascope in particular and writing in general. (2010)

Markham Economist & Sun: local paper interviews the local boy on Chimerascope and writing. (2010)

York Region website video: Short interview by Steve Bevan with me and my friend and fellow ChiZine Publications author, David Nickle, at Polaris 24, long-running Toronto SF&F media convention. (2010)


Hardcore Nerdity podcast: Fellow writer Lesley Livingston interviews me at the Ad Astra convention in Toronto. (2008)

Facebook interview: Fellow writer Mark Leslie interviews me on my Aurora-nominated story, "The Dancer at the Red Door," as well as the "By Her Hand..." movie and other topics. (2008)


Saturday Night Magazine: "First Person" interview on being a John W. Campbell Award finalist for best new writer. (2001)

Tähtivaeltaja: Interview with this Finnish magazine in, um, Finnish. (2001)