Voting for the Aurora Awards Closes Soon

A reminder that voting for the 2024 Aurora Awards for the best in Canadian speculative fiction closes at midnight on July 13.

Equally important, access to the Voter's Package closes at midnight on July 6 (3 days). The Voter's Package, for the CAD$10 cost of registering to vote, lets you download ALL the nominated works, including:

  • 10 novels
  • 7 graphic novels
  • 5 novelettes
  • 5 short stories
  • ... and more!

The Auroras are fan-voted awards recognizing the best of Canadian SF & Fantasy published the previous year. Any Canadian citizen or permanent resident may vote for the Auroras.

I am thrilled that this year's ballot includes two of my published works:

  • The Crystal Key: The Dream Rider Saga, Book 2 (Best YA Novel)
  • "If I Should Fall Behind" (Best Short Story)

I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider voting for me.

If you nominated works earlier this year, then you are already registered to vote. Just go log in to the Aurora Awards site, log in with the same credentials, then go to the Member's Home page and click on the "Vote" link.

If you still need to register to vote, see my earlier blog post that explains how to vote as well as how to download the Voters' Package containing all the nominated works.