Foreign Market List
© Douglas Smith
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Playing the Short Game: New edition now available!

Here's an extract from the introduction by multi-award-winning writer and editor, Kristine Kathryn Rusch:
"We short story writers have needed a book like this for decades. I’m glad Doug decided to write it. Read and reread this volume. Because you’ll learn something each time you do. And take Doug’s advice. It’s spectacular."
Click here for more information on the book and how to buy it.
Nov 2024 News
New Markets: MetaphorSpace (Farsi) | Phantastikon (Germany) | Ef-Zin (Greece) | Galaxia 42 (Romania)
Warnings: MetaphorSpace (Farsi): uses AI-generated artwork for all the stories it publishes
Updates: Eridan (Croatia): declared dead | Fantasia (Germany) – does not translate, so I don’t classify them as a "valid" market. Will publish in English, but no pay. | Himmelskibet (Denmark) – closing down | Aurora Bitzine (Spain): declared dead | New "No" markets – Cuentes Para Algernon (Spain) |
Dead Markets: Universe Pathways (Greece)
New FML user group: Yahoo Groups have closed down, including the old mailing list for the FML. If you'd like to join the new mailing list on, please go here and click on "Apply For Membership In This Group" at the bottom left.
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Click on a country or language to see the markets. Click on "index" or your browser's 'Back' arrow to return to this index. Click here to see the legend of symbols.
Argentina | Austria | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada(Québec) | China | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ecuador | Estonia | Farsi | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Israel | Italy | Japan | Lithuania | Mexico | Netherlands | Nigeria | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Serbia | Slovakia | South Africa | Spain (Spanish) | Spain (Catalan) | Spain (Galician) | Sweden | Ukraine
(where "Valid Market" = accepts unsolicited subs in English, including reprints, and translates at no cost)
$$$ – Confirmed valid market (paying)
YES – Confirmed valid market (no pay or pays in copies)
??? – Market under investigation or questionable
NO – Market exists but doesn't accept unsolicited subs in English
DEAD – Dead market
NOTE: If you find a potential market that is NOT here, before submitting to it, check Gareth Jones list of non-valid markets (don’t take genre, don’t take subs in English, no longer active, non-responsive to queries, etc.)
Kept promises re pay and copies? Easy to communicate with? Responded to queries? Reasonable response times?
(Recommended)– Good experience | (Avoid)– Bad experience
Axxon | YES (Recommended) – Jan 2022: Very serious backlog in translations due to loss of main translator. Also struggling with hosting costs. Publication of issues currently delayed. Thanks to Ed Teja for the tip. – Eduardo J. Carletti, Editor | Buenos Aires | Argentina ( E-zine. SF/F/H. Translates stories as well as novels. Accepts subs in English, Swedish, Lithuanian, Croatian, Bulgarian, German, Italian and Hungarian. No pay. E-mail subs. Warning: this market publishes not only the Spanish translation of your story but also the English version, and keeps both versions online in their archives.
La Idea Fija | YES – Oct 2017: Submission email for English subs corrected. Editor warns they will likely be slow to respond to subs, and since they publish annually, it may be years before an accepted story gets published. – Saurio, editor (yes, he just goes by one name) ( Doesn't publish genres per se. Wants stories that are daring, beyond the unconventional. Humor, wit, irony. No cliches, unless with irony. Good writing style or interesting use of language. Also accepts poetry. Query first for essays, interviews non-fiction. Submissions in Spanish and English preferred, but also accepts subs in French, Italian or Portuguese (can't communicate in these but can translate). Subs should not have been previously published in Spanish (unless published long time ago in a small or out-of-print market). No maximum length, but prefer 2,000-20,000 characters (2 to 20 pages). Stories shorter than 2,000 characters should be subbed in groups of more than three to be published as a collection. Email English submissions to as .doc or .rtf files, Arial or Times, 12 pt, double-spaced. (Note: DO NOT use the submission address on the website of That is only for Spanish-language submissions). Subject line and filename must be in format AUTHOR-STORY TITLE. No pay.
Cuasar | NO – Feb 2024: Thanks to Gareth D. Jones for the update – From the editor, Luis Pestarini ( "I'm afraid we don't evaluate stories in languages other than Spanish. The stories that we translate from English are selected from their original publication, and we contact their authors."Fanzine published since 1984. (Nov 2008)
Galileo | DEAD (2000) – March 2000 letter from editor: Publication interrupted. No date of return. Was: J.C. Verrecchia, Editor | Calle 59 No. 3048 (7630) Necochea | Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. Fanzine. Sometimes accepted / translated reprints from English markets as long as not US. All types of stories. Standard short story length. No pay. No e-mail subs. (Mar 2000)
NM | DEAD (2021) – Santiago Oviedo, editor ( E-zine in PDF. NM follows Nuevomundo, the fanzine created and directed by Daniel Croci, who died in 2005. (Jan 2008)
Sinergia | DEAD (2010) – WAS: Sergio Gaut vel Hartman, editor. In Dec 2007, after a 20-year hiatus, the pioneering magazine of Argentine speculative fiction returned temporarily in an online format. Speculative fiction, experimental and strange. Slipstream and magical realism. No fantasy, horror. Rarely hard sf. Accepted submissions in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, German, Swedish, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Croatian and Slovenian (for now). Max 12,000 words but made exceptions. No pay.
Xenoliteraria | DEAD (2021) – WAS: Xenoliteralia is an online public library project (currently under construction) with Spanish versions of terror, fantasy and SciFi stories written in other languages, together with the original text, managed by Ediciones Turas Mór, part of e-ditores (a group of electronic publication publishers). Authors interested in taking part in the project can send their works in English or Esperanto to (subject: Xeno), in OpenOffice, Word or RTF format. No pay. Authors retain all rights. If the original language in which the story is written is other than English, that version should be submitted as well. (Jan 2008)
AUSTRIA (index)
Visionarium | ON HIATUS – Oct 2016: Closed to submissions until further notice. Issue #10 in Jan 2017 will be last regular issue for a while. – Bernhard Reicher, Editor. Austrian genre magazine, published in German language. Publishes horror, mystery, bizarro, urban fantasy, dark fiction, steampunk, noir, science fiction, and New Weird. Length: accepts stories in the range of 8,700 to 10,500 words for regular issues (3 per year), but will consider shorter or longer stories for special editions that are published about once a year. Payment: None; from the editor "At the moment we're self-publishers and unfortunately can't afford to offer payments, but we're happy to include a picture of the contributors, as well as a few lines about their work, their website and so on for promotional purposes." Accepts submissions in English and translates to German, at no cost to the author. Prefers submissions as attachments (.doc or .docx) to an email to Story cannot have been previously published in German.
BELGIUM (index)
Speculatief | YES – Apr 2022: Updates to new market! – Editor: Goran Lowie. Online magazine based in Belgium but published in Dutch, focused on bringing as many of the major award-winning short stories from the global SFF market to the Dutch-language audience. Published three times annually. Science fiction, fantasy and SF-themed horror reprints (previously unreleased in Dutch) with a strong preference for short stories by award-winning authors. Length: 1,000-7,000 words. Pay: $0.01 USD per word to a maximum of $25 USD/story. All contributors receive an ebook copy of issue with their story. Note: they also request audio and one-time anthology rights. Author retains all English rights and receives full rights to the translated text. Submissions page here.
Khimaira | DEAD (2008) – WAS: Denis Labbé, editor ( Themed issues. Alternated between SF, F, and horror. Max length 3,500 words. Non-paying market, no contributor copies provided. Accepted email subs.
BRAZIL (index)
Hyperpulp | YES – Jan 2022 (Update from FB page): "Hi, the website is being transferred to a new hosting. The magazine is undergoing a very long hiatus, but it will be back. " (Last issue: 2012) – Alexandre Mandarino, editor. Quarterly bilingual (English and Portuguese) webzine with five stories per issue, also reviews, interviews and artist gallery. Note: you can request that your story only be published in Portuguese. Magazine also downloadable in PDF, .MOBI, or .EPUB formats. Genres: Fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, crime, war, western and magical realism. "Literature as the goal, fantastic literature as the result." Max 10k words. No pay. Accepts subs at as RTF attachments with "STORY: story title" as subject, or via upload dropbox on the site.
Juvenatrix | NO – Renato Rosatti, Editor | Rua Irmão Ivo Bernado, #40 | CEP 04773-070 | São Paulo – SP, BRAZIL. Fanzine started in 1991. Publishes short stories, articles, comics, and illustrations of SF/F/H. Used to accept and translate reprints from English, but now only accepts Brazilian material in Portuguese.
Scarium | NO – Marco Bourguignon, Editor ( Fantasy, Horror, SF. Does NOT translate from English. But will consider stories originally published in English if a translated (Portuguese) version is submitted. No pay. Max 8,000 words. Accepts email subs as RTF attachments.
Somnium | NO – R.C. Nascimento, Editor ( | Clube de Leitores de Ficção Científica (CLFC) | Caixa Postal 2105 – Agência Central | CEP 01060-970 | São Paulo – SP, BRAZIL. Small amateur SF&F&H print fanzine edited, produced and published by the CLFC – Clube de Leitores de Ficção Científica (SF Readers Club), which includes many writers as well. It has published uninterrupted since 1985 and commemorated its 90th edition in 2004. Quite prestigious locally. As of Dec 2007, Somnium went completely on-line as part of the CLFC (Science Fiction Reader's Club) portal. All new content can be accessed freely from the main website. There is no longer a printed version of the magazine. Only club members can submit content for evaluation, and all content must be in Portuguese. Membership is free. No pay, no translation for stories. Original short stories, book & film reviews, a few graphic stories. Email subs accepted as .txt attachments.
Trasgo | NO – January 2020: New market! Thanks to Gareth Jones for the tip.– Rodrigo van Kampen, Editor. Accepts submissions from anywhere in world, but in Portuguese only. Pay, length, genres unknown.
Kaliopes | DEAD (2016) – August 2016: I'm declaring this one dead. Web site gone and no replies to my email queries. Thanks to Lawrence Schimel for the tip. – WAS: Jacques Barcia, editor. Free webzine in PDF format. Fantasy only (urban fantasy, heroic fantasy, dark fantasy, magical surrealism, gothic, New Weird, high-fantasy, heroic or epic, wuxia or revisions of traditional myths). No magical realism. No clichés. Four annual issues, plus special theme issue. One submission per author. Strict word count limits of 1,000-5,000 words. Subs accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French. No pay. The PDF file of each edition hosted at Clube dos Leitores de Ficção Científica do Brasil's website (Brazilian Science Fiction Reader's Club). Submissions to by email attachment (.doc format, Arial 12 font, 1.5 space between lines) with author's full name, any pen name, and brief bio in the body of the e-mail. Detailed info and guideline in English on website.
Megalon | DEAD (2008) – WAS: Marcello Simão Branco, Editor | Megalon Ficção Cientifica & Horror | Av. Clara Mantelli 110 | 04771-180 | São Paulo, SP, BRAZIL ( Fanzine. SF/F/H. Length: short stories or novelettes up to 17,500 words. Paid one copy. Took e-mail subs. Tradition of publishing international authors. I sold them a reprint in May 2000, but magazine folded in 2004 before publication.
Quark | DEAD – Was: Marcelo Baldini, Editor | R. Bela Vista 180, Ap. 91, Centro | São Bernardo do Campo | São Paulo, BRAZIL. Brazilian fanzine of SF / H, begun in 1999. No pay but contributors received a subscription. Preferred e-mail subs.
Terra Incognita | DEAD (2010) – WAS: Fábio Fernandes, editor. Free monthly online magazine. Published in Portuguese and accepts stories in English for translation. Mostly SF, but also published slipstream and new weird. Length: 1,000 to 10,000 words. No pay. Emails sub only, as .rtf or .doc attachments (no PDF files).
BULGARIA (index)
Terra Fantastica | YES – Yuri Ilkov, Editor-in-Chief ( No web-site in English. Has published 11 issues since beginning in 1999. Voted "Best Fanzine" in Europe at Eurocon 2002 and won the Bulgarian SF "Graviton" award in 2005. Publish short stories and articles by Bulgarian and English authors. Publishes SF&F; prefers no H. Max length 18,000 characters (about 3,000-3,500 words). Pays in copies only. Accepts email subs.
Zona F | DEAD (2003) – pro mag started in 1997 by one of Bulgaria's leading SF writers, Agop Melkonian, ceased publication in 2003
Horrifique | YES – Sep 2009: Getting caught up on submissions but still closed to submissions until further notice – André Lejeune, editor. English submissions should be sent to Jess Kaan ( Fanzine. Horror only (psychological or gore). Accepts subs in English and translates (beginning July 2006). Length: 20,000 – 40,000 characters. Pays in copy. Only one translator so “delays will be long." Email subs as RTF attachments or in body of email (no HTML!!) with “Submission: “ as the subject line.
Solaris | NO (Recommended) – Editor | 120 côte du Passage | Lévis, QC G6V 5S9 | CANADA ( Long-established, award-winning, French-Canadian mag. Occasionally selects, translates, and publishes short stories that originally appeared in English-Canadian markets. Occasionally publishes stories submitted directly by English-Canadian authors, but author must submit story in French. Prefers under 8,000 words but can publish up to 12,000 words. Pays 2.5 cents (Cdn) / word for original stories. Pay split 50-50 between author and translator if translated. Very good to work with.
FAA (Future Affairs Administration) | $$$ – Nov 2021: additional email contact addresses added – Alex Li, Editor in charge of writer development and fiction ( Also Vera Sun ( From Alex: "Our four founders are senior SFF fans (all with 15+years connection to Chinese SFF fandom). Our goals are to develop new writers and invest in more mature SFF projects. The famous Chinese publishing brand 'Guokr Publishing,' which published Marvel and Disney, has been subsumed into the FAA. We have over one hundred thousand readers on the internet and are publishing our book magazine bimonthly beginning in 2017. We have begun a project to translate short stories and novelettes. Some terms: (a) Our primary goal is to publish stories in Chinese, with a basic offer for non-exclusive publication rights to the Chinese (Simplified Characters) edition of the Work, including audio and similar media (but not including movie and TV adaptation rights) for 5 years: 0.06 USD per word(before Chinese tax which will be 11-15%). (b) Additionally, for writers who especially want to target the Chinese market, we offer exclusive publication rights to the Chinese (Simplified Characters) translation of the Work, including online, print, audio, and similar media for 5 years. FAA will act as author's agent of movie and TV adaptation rights in Chinese Market. Writer will be paid 0.10 USD per word(before Chinese tax which will be 11-15%), and adaptation percentage details will be further discussed in adaptation contract." Genres: mainly SF but will consider fantasy. Length: short story to novelette. Payment: see above. Payment method: PayPal. Other contact emails:,
Science Fiction World | YES – Jan 2022: Payment now done by PayPal | Nov 2021: new email submission addresses. Now publishes both SF and Fantasy stories. Website is being updated and will be released soon. Pay rate and word lengths for subs updated – submission editors: Alixsander ( Circulation 400,000+. Publishes both SF and fantasy. Length: 4,000-10,000 words. E-mail subs as Word attachments. Pays 40CNY/1,000 Chinese characters (~$6USD/1,000 Chinese characters). Payment by PayPal.
The World of English | YES (Recommended) – April 2015: Reports that the email address shown here no longer works. If anyone has an alternate address, please send it to me. Thanks to Dave Gullen for the tip. – Gao Feng, Executive Editor-in-Chief | PO Box 1504 | Beijing 100005 | China ( Digest sized. Circulation 400,000+. All genres. Length: prefers about 2,000 words. Publishes each story in English AND translates into Chinese. Payment is RMB 120 yuan per thousand words or (more likely) five complimentary copies.
SF Comet | $$$ – Feb 2017: ON HIATUS. Editor is involved with FAA (Future Affairs Administration—see above). Intends to resume after Worldcon75. – Alex Li, Editor ( Monthly SF short story competition, voted on by SF Chinese SF fans, including writers, editors, translators, reviewers. Five authors compete per month, including typically 2-3 foreign authors. Each author submits a 1,500-2,500 word story under the given theme for the month. Ten days to submit once theme is published. Stories are anonymous during the voting period. Genre: SF only. Payment: $500 USD (for non-Chinese authors) for the winner; $100 USD for the other four invited authors. Accepts submissions in English (more languages planned) and translates at no cost to authors. To participate in a contest, you first must submit a sample story of no more than 3,000 words. Submissions at WARNING: This market asks for the following rights – 5 years exclusive in Chinese for all entrants. Winner must also give movie and TV adaption rights. Non-exclusive online publication rights to English edition, including audio and similar media for 5 years. Author cannot submit the Work to any other publisher in any language, including online, print, or other media for six months. After the expiration of the six months, the author may freely submit or publish the Work (except for Chinese (Simplified Characters), which remain subject to the five-year exclusivity period). UPDATE: I had one writer report back that their contract explicity excluded TV and movie rights and also that the editor was amenable to striking non-exclusive rights to other languages from the contract.
CROATIA (index)
Parsek | YES – Editors: Mirko Karas, Mihaela Marija Perkovic. From the editors: " Parsek is published by SFera Science Fiction Society from Zagreb. One of its goals is to suport young authors and editors, and as a way to introduce them to wider body of SF works, we are currently publishing one international story per issue. Parsek also publishes English issues periodically with translated Croatian stories, to present Croatian authors to international audience." Publishes speculative fiction (SF, fantasy, supernatural horror...) and related essays. Accepts email submissions at with story attached (.rtf preferred). Accepts subs in English or Italian and provides free translation. Max length: 2,000 words. Pay: copy.
Sirius B | NO – Oct 2013: WARNING – more confirmed reports of magazine translating and printing stories without the authors permission.
Ubiq | NO– Aleksandar Ziljak, Editor. Only publish Croatian SF. However, they are open to essays on science fiction.
Eridan | DEAD (2024) – Nov 2024: Email addy dead. No issues since 2016. I’m declaring this one dead – WAS: Igor Rendić, editor in chief ( Publish any fiction (SF, Fantasy, Horror and "everything in between"). Published by a NGO, "3.zmaj." See website for English version of submission guidelines: Max length: 18,000 characters with spaces, but they have published longer (note: that's characters, not words. For most stories, that's about 3,000 words). Payment: copy. Accepts email submissions at above email address with story attached (.rtf preferred, but not a requirement).
Futura | DEAD (2007) – Web site and email addy no longer working. WAS: Milena Benini, editor in chief | Futura | Brune Busica 14 | 10 000 Zagreb | Croatia ( Web site is entirely in Croatian but will be adding a digest English-language version soon. Monthly magazine, considered pro by Croatian standards. Mostly publish translations of stories already published elsewhere, but will also look at original stories. Want strong, intriguing stories, well-drawn characters. Mostly SF & F, but will consider H with a real "speculative" element in it. Any length (usually one novella per issue). No novel excerpts unless can stand on their own. Pays $30-50US per story plus contributor copy. Accepts e-mail subs in body of e-mail, or RTF attachments by previous arrangement). Response times: email subs 1-2 weeks; snail mail subs 1-2 months.
NOSF | DEAD (2015) – Jan 2015: I'm declaring this market dead. The email address is bouncing, the web site is dead, and I've received multiple reports of non-responses to submissions. – WAS: Irena Raseta, Editor-in-Chief ( Web-zine. Accepted stories in English and translates at no cost to author. Pay: none. Earlier note from editor: "The NOSF portal and magazine are run on good will and enthusiasm, which means that we are unable to pay for content. For every piece we do publish, the copyright remains in the possession of the author. In case of translation, the piece published in NOSF remains copyrighted to the author of the story and the translation to the translator, unless specified differently by a contract between the translator and the author." Accepted email subs as RTF attachments.
Via Galactica | DEAD (2006?) – Sep 2009: I'm declaring this one DEAD; all known email addresses are bouncing; last issue 2005. – WAS: Bojan Sudarevic, Editor ( Non-profit quarterly fan e-zine. SF/F/H stories. Also poetry, essays, serious or humorous articles about the genre or fandom, almost all kinds of graphic SF/F/H art. Paid in copy. Did not retain any rights after publication. Length: 5,000 words max for stories and essays; 30 lines for poems. E-mail subs as .txt or .rtf attachments (inquire before sending any file > 1Mb). Include brief bio and full snail-mail address. English guidelines at
XB-1 | $$$ – Martin Sust, foreign rights editor | Nam. Svobody 461/1a | 402 01 Děčín 1 | Czech Republic ( Magazine begun in late 2010 by former Ikarie editors. 80 black and white pages with color cover. Genres: any fantastic genre but mostly SF and preferably hard SF or space opera. Length: flexible, including novellas up to 25-30 thousands words, but longer work must be from a big name or very extraordinary. 1/3 foreign stories, 1/3 Czech stories and 1/3 articles and reviews. Initially, they are looking for big name authors to build readership. Pay: $2 USD per standard page, but in some cases offer only a contributor copy (probably based on how well author is known. They hope to be able to eventually pay for all stories). Snail mail strongly preferred at above address, or you can try email with a .doc, .docx or .rtf attachment, but Martin rarely accepts email submissions.
Pevnost | YES – Martin Sust, foreign rights editor ( Note: Sust also works for XB-1, worked for Ikarie, manages the Czech version of F&SF, and works for a couple of publishing houses and as an anthologist. Winner of best magazine award from Czech SF/F/H Academy 2005, 2006,2007. More progressive and modern than Ikarie. Full color with monochrome pages for stories. No pay (or rarely pays foreign authors, which probably means you need to be a 'name').
Ikarie | DEAD (2010) – Magazine folded after 20 years and 247 issues. Last issue published November 2010. – WAS: Martin Sust, Editor | Mezi Vodami 1952/9 | 143 00 Praha 4 – Modrany | CZECH REPUBLIC ( Long established magazine, colour cover, B&W contents. Mostly SF, some F. Pays $2US per ms page. Max 10,000 words. Does not accept e-mail subs.
DENMARK (index)
Proxima | YES – Sep 2017: Website updated. Thanks to Stewart Baker for the tip – Niels Dalgaard, Editor ( Magazine published by Science Fiction Cirklen (The Danish Science Fiction Society). Strictly SF only. Pays in copies. Print run of 200-300 copies. Publishes only two issues per year. Usually 1-3 short stories per issue, together with some info about the writer. Max 10,000 words. Accepts e-mail subs as attachment in any common format (wp, word, pdf, etc.).
Himmelskibet | NO – March 2024: Now only publishing reviews on its blog, after the Association Fantastik that ran it decided to close down. Thanks to Gareth D. Jones for the tip – Klaus Æ. Mogensen, Editor. All genres of the fantastic. Does NOT accept non-Danish submissions, since the magazine is intended as a forum for Danish writers and artists. No pay. Entirely fan-based organization, and even the editors and cover artists are unpaid. Max 6,000 words. Accepts submissions in Danish as Word and Open Document attachments at
Novum | NO – May 2013: Editor change. Also magazine can no longer afford to pay for translations. Only accepts subs in Danish now. – Michael Pilgaard, Editor ( Published 4 times/year for members (100 copies) of Danish Science Fiction Society. SF only. Max 3,000 words. No pay. Only accepts subs in Danish.
Science Fiction | NO – Aug 2013: no longer translates. Not a market for non-Danish writers. – Knud Larn, editor ( SF fanzine. Print only. Photocopied, folded and stapled, colour cover, no internal illos, 50-100 pp. Published ~6 times a year. Publishes original Danish science fiction short stories and poems as well as the occasional reprint of out-of-print Danish science fiction classics, and selected Danish translations of Scandinavian and international science fiction short stories and poems. ONLY publish science fiction short stories, and ONLY stories by already established writers. Accept stories only in Danish. No translation. No payment. No multiple subs. Acquires FIRST Danish publication rights to your work. Your work may not be published in Danish (even through another translator) online or in print for 12 months after publication date, usually 6 months after submission date. ALMOST ALWAYS prefer "known" names, i.e. writers from the larger international science fiction magazines and larger worldwide publishers, above more unknown writers.
Cirkel Serien | DEAD (2005) – Was: Carl-Eddy Skovgaard, Editor. Science Fiction Cirklen (The Danish Science Fiction Society), which published Proxima, also sometimes issued small short story collections in magazine format of writers the Society wanted to introduce to Danes. Print run was 200-300 copies. SF only. Length: approx 200,000 chars comprised of 3-4 short stories, novelette, novella. Accepted e-mail subs as attachment in any common format (wp, word, pdf). Paid in copies or $50-100 for 'non exclusive magazine rights'
Phantazm | DEAD (2017) – Sep2017: website dead, email no longer working. Thanks to Stewart Baker for the tip – Was: Mads Dam, editor. Online non-commercial magazine. Published short fiction in ENGLISH (not Danish). Accepted reprints. Accepted email subs. No pay.
ECUADOR (index)
Omicron Theory | YES – Sept 2019: New market! Thanks to Gareth Jones for the tip. – No pay. Submissions can be emailed to NOTE: this market will accepts submissions in English, but will NOT translate. If they accept your story, they will publish it in English. So only submit stories you have already sold in English, else you're giving up first rights. And if you don't understand what I'm talking about, you need this book.
ESTONIA (index)
Algernon | YES – June 2023: new emails. – Kristjan Sander, chief editor and editor for translations ( Quarterly webzine, established 1998, run by volunteers. Publishes mostly stories by beginning Estonian authors. And yes, it took its name from Daniel Keyes' story "Flowers for Algernon," which was the title for the only collection of SF stories by western authors published under the Soviet regime. Editorial team makes selections and decides who will work with the author. Editorial team: Ants Miller – editor-in-chief; Kristjan Sander – editor, translations; Triinu Meres – editor; Meelis Friedenthal – editor. Accepts unsolicited submissions in English and translates (assuming available volunteers). Genres: Any speculative – SF, fantasy, horror. Length: not specified, but experience of some writers indicates that anything close to 5k words will be hard to sell. No pay. Accepts e-mail submissions at as RTF attachments.
Reaktor | YES (but see update) – May 2022: currently not open for any for-translation submisissions – Trin Loide, editor-in-chief. Free web-based ezine. Also available as epub and mobi ebook. Have published an issue per month since 2011. Publishes SF, fantasy and supernatural horror. Past authors have included Norman Spinrad, Charles Stross and Bruce Sterling. Accepts English subs and translates at no cost. Email submissions to as .doc, docx, or .rtf attachments (no .pdf). Length: any, but preferred maximum length is 10,000 words. No pay.
MetaphorSpace | YES – Nov 2024: uses AI-generated artwork for all the stories it publishes – Amir Sepahram, editor / publisher. New online speculative fiction magazine based in Vancouver, Canada. Genres: SF, fantasy, horror, and weird fiction. Max 10,000 words. No pay. Accepts subs as .docx or PDF attachments at
FINLAND (index)
Spin | YES (Recommended) – Apr 2015: New email address for submissions. Web site link updated. – Akseli Pekkarinen, Editor-in-Chief. Suvi Kauppila, Foreign Language Editor. A quarterly published by Turku Science Fiction Society, the oldest SF society in Finland. Publishes Finnish material but also translates from English and French. Max 8,000 words in English. Will consider longer texts but rarely accepted. Accepts unsolicited submissions. Pays in copies. Email submissions to as rtf, doc, or pdf attachments.
Tähtivaeltaja (Star Wanderer) |(Recommended) – May 2022: This one seems to have returned from a 5-year hiatus. Still publishes the "occasional" short story. Thanks to Vuaghan Stanger for the tip. – Mr. Toni Jerrman, Editor | Itämerenkatu 22 B 21 | 00180 Helsinki | FINLAND ( Quarterly semi-prozine, printed, size B5, 84 pages, B&W content, colour cover, circ~1,400, published by Helsinki SF Society. Publishes stories mostly by Finnish writers featured in an article in same issue or by English writers well known in Finland. Pays in copies. Accepts e-mail subs in body or as attachment.
Portti | NO – Raimo Nikkonen, Editor | Peltokatu 25-27 C 57 | 33100 Tampere | FINLAND ( Long-established mag, published 4X/ year. Publishes mostly Finnish authors with 1-2 big name English authors. After ever so many requests for info, I’m officially marking this as a NO market. Try Taahtivaeltaja or Spin (see above)
USVA | NO – Ms.Anne Leinonen, Editor ( New magazine (2006) that has already published several pro Finnish writers. Accepts unsolicited subs but only in Finnish. In future, may consider accepting and translating subs in English. Publishes SF/F/H/mainstream. No length restrictions but longest published so far has been 10,000 words. No pay. Accepts subs in Finnish by e-mail as RTF or PDF attachment. (Nov 2006)
FRANCE (index)
Angle Mort | YES – November 2017: Closed to submissions at the moment. Not a paying market. Thanks to Céline Malgen for the tip. – Accepts submissions in English and translates for free. Publishes SF, fantasy, and any speculative fiction. Max length: 50,000 characters including spaces (please ensure you include the number of characters on your first page). Pay: not able to pay for publication but are working on being able to pay authors, translators, cover artists as soon as possible. Accepts email submissions as Word (.doc) or RTF attachment. Email:
Galaxies Science-Fiction | $$$ – Pierre Gévart, Editor | 34 rue Jean Jaurès | 59135 - Bellaing | FRANCE. Accepts submissions in French, English, and Spanish. Publishes SF only. Tries to publish new writers. Max 8,000 words but can make exceptions. Pays 100 Euros per story plus copy. Pays by Paypal. Accepts email submissions as Word or RTF attachment. Email:
L'Ampoule Magazine | NO – Apr 2019: New market. Only accepts submissions in French! Thanks to Raphael Rousseau for the tip – Editor: Mr. Franck Joannic. The literary and graphic magazine of Abat-Jour. Genres: Any speculative fiction. Publish two print issues a year, June and December. Calls for submissions in March-April and September-October only. NB: Only accepts submissions in French. Does NOT accept submissions in English. Maximum length: 20,000 characters. Payment: contributor copy. Submit translated stories as a Word or OpenOffice attachment to
Science-Fiction Magazine | NO – WARNING: I’ve received several warnings from writers regarding this market. Probably best to avoid. – Alain Pelosato, Editor ( Was a slick colour-cover SF media magazine, formerly called Ozone. Includes French and translated fiction. From the editor (Aug 2006): "Science Fiction Magazine is both a paper magazine published every 2 months and an online magazine, thanks to a team of more than thirty volunteers across the country and the net. From one to three short stories are published in every issue, depending on their size. Text must be about science-fiction or fantasy, no real limits on size, but only short stories. Accepts and prefers email submission at but mail subs can be done. No Pay." Accept English submissions, max one sub at a time, selected one by reading committee will be translated in French.
Bifrost | NO – May 2018: new website URL and submission guidelines page. I've still no idea if they accept unsolicited subs in English. No replies to multiple prior queries. Thanks to Céline Malgen for the tip – Le Bélial' Éditions | 50 rue du Clos | 77670 St-Mammès | FRANCE. Begun in 1996. A quarterly review devoted to critical reviews, news, and interviews with French and foreign SF authors. Also publishes short fiction including stories that originally appeared in English language markets. All speculative fiction genres but a strong preference for SF. Used to pays 100 Euros per story, but I can't find any reference to payment on the new site. Submission information available (in French, but Google translate works well on the page) here: E-mail submissions only. Max one sub at a time.
KWS | NO – "Keep Watching the Skies" – SF review fanzine published irregularly. No fiction.
Moutons-Électriques | NO – André-Francois Ruaud, Editor ( Publishes SF, fantasy, crime. Does NOT accept unsolicited submissions in either French or English. No restrictions on length. Only publish a few translations a year and then mainly from The Magazine of F&SF under a contractual arrangement.
Borderline | DEAD – Nov 2012: website no longer working. – Publishes fantasy and horror. Translates and publish stories that originally appeared in English language markets as well as French authors. 15,000 characters (approx 2,500-3,000 words) max. Pays in copy. Accepts e-mail subs as RTF attachments at
Éclats de Rêves | DEAD (2018) – Thanks to Céline Malgen for the tip – WAS: Fanzine that publishes fantasy and SF. Does not accept unsolicited submissions, does not translate from English. Max 50,000 characters (~8,000 words). Pays in copies. Accepts email subs as attachments at
Emblèmes (Editions de L'Oxymore) | DEAD (2007) – Aug 2006: This themed anthology series is folding with #15 being the last one, which is unfortunate, as they were good to deal with and paid well. – Léa Silhol, Editor | 58 rue Saint Guilhem | F-34000 Montpellier | France. Publishes stories, collections, and novels. Submissions by invitation only for specific themed anthos at specific times. Not an open market. Pays pro rates.
Etoiles Vives | DEAD – Was: André-Francois Ruaud, Editor | 245/247 rue Paul Bert | 69003 Lyon | FRANCE ( Last issue was #9 in 2002. Published upbeat SF&F: sense of wonder, adventure, humanism, dreams, exotism, humour. Definite preference to optimistic fiction. Accepted and translated reprints from English language markets. Paid approximately $100 USD per story. Accepted e-mail subs as RTF attachments.
Faeries | DEAD – Aug 2015: I'm declaring this one dead. Web site is gone. No issue since July 2008. – WAS: Nicolas Cluzeau, English submissions editor ( Publishes fantasy of all types (dark, high, modern). Accepts, translates and publishes stories that originally appeared in English language markets (almost all of what they print). Max length: 50,000 signs (characters) or ~ 9,000-10,000 words. Pays $100US for one time rights in French regardless of length. Accepts e-mail subs as MS-Word or RTF attachments at with a c.c. to for their archives. Feb 2006: web site now states that they want hardcopy subs and promise a response time of 1-2 years.
Phenix | DEAD (2007) – Was: Marc Bailly, Editor ( Former editor of Science-Fiction Magazine. Paid in copy. E-mail subs. Papers on the SF genre, short stories, reviews.
Ténèbres | (DEAD 2019) – Sep 2019: Editor responding that market has stopped publication. Thanks to Jonathan Ficke for the update. – WAS: M. Benoît Domis, Editor ( Former magazine resurrected as an annual anthology in 2008. Genres : horror, dark fantasy. Length: short story,novella. Email subs as Word attachment. Pay: 25 Euros/story. Submission period: all year long (release at least one anthology each year). [Historical note: Ténèbres used to be a very high quality dark fantasy / horror magazine, digest size with glossy, colour cover, B&W contents, photos, artwork. Paid 1/5 centime per char or approx 0.01 Franc per word, on publication. Accepted four of my stories, paid for three, published two before folding.] (Jul 2008)
Utopod | DEAD (2018) – Thanks to Céline Malgen for the tip – WAS: Marc Tiefenauer, Co-Editor ( Podcast publisher. Does NOT translate from any language. Prefers to promote science-fiction written in French. Does NOT normally accepts submissions of any type. Will consider an award winning story if written in perfect French, but their standards are very high. Email submissions must be in MS Word or RTF. Publishes mainly SF and fantasy, but open to horror and other genres related to SF. Maximum length of 20,000 characters including spaces. No payment. Looking for sponsors and if successful hopes to pay €100 per story. Their copyright policy follows the Creative Commons License, v. 2.0.
GERMANY (index)
InterNova | YES – May 2022: Update from editor – "After a longer hiatus InterNova has been relaunched in early 2022 in its third incarnation as a regular, downloadable e-zine with a new issue every two months" – InterNova is an offspring of Nova (see above) and an attempt to establish a magazine for science fiction stories from all over the world in English or English translations. Submissions from all over the world are welcome. Anglo-American writers are not excluded but their focus is on works from outside of the English-speaking world.
Nova | YES – May 2022: Editor has now accepted guest stories for the next four issues, so for now Nova is closed for further foreign submissions – Michael Iwoleit, editor. Nova is a magazine for contemporary German language science fiction. It is still alive and running for almost 20 years now. It includes one translated guest story in each issue, featuring writers from all over the world, and an occasional classic reprint. Submissions for the guest story section are welcome, but the capacities are limited: "Nova is mainly a magazine for contemporary German language science fiction. We only include one translated story by a foreign guest writer in each issue. With two issues a year the chances of being published in our magazine are rather limited." Submissions at
Phantastikon | YES – Mar 2024: New market! Thanks to Gareth D. Jones for the tip. –From the editors: "In our MISKATONIC AVENUE section we publish flash fiction, short stories, dark poetry and excerpts from longer works (e.g. to promote a novel). Although this section is still under construction, there are two things to note here. Firstly, we are mainly interested in the short form (400 – 1000 words). In special cases (and if the story demands it), we are also happy with 3000 – 5000 words. The reason is simple: the stories appearing here are not intended as a substitute for print, but to represent a particular literary genre – condensed or fractal storytelling. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, which can be discussed in detail. Secondly, the texts should be submitted on the condition that they can also be presented in the Miskatonic podcast. This will not happen to all stories, but it is planned. The thematic focus will revolve around existential horror, weird fiction and/or other speculative literature, surrealism and the fantastic. Again, please use the email address " No pay.
Exodus | NO – René Moreau, editor ( Accepts SF stories but in German only. Does not translate.
Fantasia | NO – Published as an e-book. No pay. They don't translate but will publish stories in English. Email:
Festa Verlag | NO – No reply to multiple queries – German publisher that translates novels, as well as short stories for anthologies.
Pandora Science Fiction & Fantasy | NO – Hannes Riffel, Editor | Charlottenstr. 36 | D-12683 Berlin-Biesdorf ( Does NOT accept submissions in any language. Publishes stories from English markets but makes their own selections. Publishes all things fantastic. No payment. Non-profit, hobby project. (Feb 2008)
Pulpcore | DEAD (2019) – Sept 2019: Declared dead. Both email addresses are bouncing and website is just a landing page. Thanks to Jonathan Fricke for the tip. – WAS: Heiner Eden, editor. Webzine for short genre fiction translated from English to German. From their website: "Our goal is to promote fresh and bold voices from the trenches of self-publishing and the small presses to a thrill-seeking German readership. If you are a writer of ballsy crime, horror, mystery, noir, sci-fi or weird fiction, then by all means submit your short story to pulpcore now! Please note that you do not give up any [English] rights to your original work. You only allow us to translate your story to German and publish the translation here on pulpcore." (Note from Douglas Smith: The "[English]" insert in the above is mine. If they publish you, you obviously are granting them rights, specifically First German Electronic Rights.) Accepts reprints. Word count 2,000-5,000 words (no more, no less, no exceptions). Submissions: (was: pulpcore@rawtext.netv) as a .doc attachment. Payment: 20 Euros (via PayPal). Note: Will not notify is story isn't accepted, so do not ask for a status update.
Storisende Verlag | DEAD (2002) – Was: Mr. Michael Plogmann | Schlob Muhlenburg 4 | 32139 Spenge | GERMANY. SF/F/H. Publishes on website first for one month, then stories appear in an annual anthology. Pay ~ $0.02 CDN per word, OA, in cash. Contract. Very good to deal with. E-mail subs as Word attachments. Published professional-looking anthos #1, #2. Anthos #3, 4 never published.
GREECE (index)
Ef-Zin | YES – Feb 2024: New market! Thanks to Gareth D. Jones for the tip – Dimitris Spiridinos, Editor. Fanzine that started in 2002 and has been published twice a year ever since. From the editor: "It is published by myself and some of my friends, and is totally amateur. Ef-zin includes mainly SF short stories, but any speculative and fantastic fiction story is welcome. Humor is the main characteristic shared by all stories published. The fanzine is distributed for free to friends of the SF community in Greece." No compensation. Max 1,500 words. Submissions as .docx attachments sent to
Alternative Factor | NO – not a market for fiction. Informative web site for Greek science fiction topics.
Big Bang | DEAD (2001) – No longer published. Last issue: #10/ May 2001. Fanzine, colour cover, news, articles, original Greek fiction, translated fiction.
The Dramaturges of Yann | DEAD (~2010) – Nov 2021: Unfortunately, this great little market is no longer in existence. – WAS: Nikos Chr. Theodorou, Editor ( SF short stories. Welcomed unsolicited subs in English. Translated into Greek. E-mail subs as Word attachment. Paid in copy.
Ennea ("9") | DEAD (2010) – Last issue was June 2010 – WAS: Mr. Angelos Mastorakis, Editor in Chief. Mailing address: Mr. ANGELOS MASTORAKIS | CH. K. TEGOPOULOS EDITIONS S.A. | ELEFTHEROTYPIA - "9" | 10-16 MINOOS STREET | GR 117 43 ATHENS | GREECE. Email: ( "9" was a weekly Comics & Science Fiction supplement (50 pages, full colour) of ELEFTHEROTYPIA (translation: Free Press), a major Greek daily newspaper, with 200,000 readers weekly. According to Wikipedia, Ennea is named after the classification of comics as the "ninth art". Since the beginning of the magazine's publication, in June 2000, no issue was published without a woman on its front page (see my blog entry for some sample covers). Focused mainly on SF comics but included an SF story in every issue. GENRES: Only Science Fiction. No Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery or Horror. LENGTH: 3,500-5,500 words. LANGUAGE: accepted stories in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish & Serbo-Croatian. RATES: 0.03 Euros per words (3 Euro cents per word), paid after publication, plus 3 contributor copies. No contract. RIGHTS: One-time non-exclusive publication rights (first Greek language serial rights) plus the first option for a possible future anthology. They kept the exclusive Greek translation rights (that means if you sold your story again in Greece, and the second publishers use the Ennea translation, they had to pay Ennea; otherwise, they had to use a new translation). Separate agreement and payment if your story was included in any anthology. METHOD OF PAYMENT: If accepted, they sent you an invoice by e-mail that you had to print, sign and submit to them by snail mail in order to be paid. The amount shown on the invoice was your fee PLUS the 20% tax that they deducted rounded to the nearest 5 Euros. They then transferred your payment to your specified bank account in 4-6 weeks. SUBMISSIONS: By snail mail to above address, or via email as .RTF or .DOC attachments to (this address was for submissions only).
Fantastic | DEAD (1999) – Magazine folded in 1999. First and last issue in 1998.
SF*[an] | DEAD (1998) – Not published anymore. First and last issue: #1 published in Summer 1998
Universe Pathways | DEAD (2018) – Jan 2024: Former magazine hasn't published since 2017. Appears to be a vanity publisher site now. Thanks to Hephaestion Christopoulos for the tip. – WAS: George Sotirhos, editor. Accepted unsolicited subs in English. Published SF, fantasy, horror. Paid in copies. Accepted e-mail subs as Word attachments at Magazine was briefly called Cosmic Dimensions. Glossy cover with b&w interior illos. Note: also had an English language version with different contents from the Greek version (Jan 2024)
HUNGARY (index)
Galaktika | $$$ (Avoid) – WARNING! DO NOT SUBMIT HERE RIGHT NOW! – Sep 2016: Update from SFWA's Griefcom on the multiple reports of stories being translated and printed without the author's permission: This has been going on since at least 2012. Bence Pinter also recently investigated the magazine's piracy practices. Read his article here – Attila Németh, literary editor ( Monthly magazine with a 30-year history resurrected in 2004 after a 10-year hiatus. Publishes mainly SF stories and novelettes. Accepts stories from around the world, especially non-English speaking countries, but English submissions are welcome as well. No max word length but stories over 65,000 characters (~10,000 words) will be run in two installments. Pays $50-100US generally for short stories (plus contrib copy). Installments receive a bit more, and short shorts receive only extra copy. Accepts e-mail subs (RTF format preferred).
Goblin Publishing | $$$ (Recommended) – Peter Michaleczky, Published/Editor ( Publisher of two recent successful anthologies. Accepted a story of mine. Very good to deal with. No currently active projects.
SFmag | $$$ – Feb 2014: Do NOT submit. Currently not accepting English language submissions due to being understaffed and without means to pay for stories. – Csilla Kleinheincz, András Kánai and Botond Markovics, editors ( Free online magazine. Editors contact writers directly but are also open to submissions in the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Hungarian. Also seek essays on national SF and prefer world SF. Word length: 3,000 - 5,000 words (fiction); 1,000 - 4,000 words (essays). Pay: 10 EUR for fiction, no pay for essays. Genre: Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, magic realism. Rights: First Hungarian electronic rights (online, epub, prc) and non-exclusive publication in the annual SFmag e-anthology (epub, prc). Email sub as .rtf or .doc attachments, 12 pt Times New Roman, without images. File should contain name and address of author. Publishes just one short story per month from foreign writers, and even after acceptance can be a long wait until publication.
Atjaro | DEAD (2004) – Was published by Bolt Kft. until Dec 2003. Owner (Mr. Gabor Kiraly) folded publishing company, closed storage, fired editors, didn't pay authors and translators. No payment or contrib copies for story of mine printed in Dec 2002. Despite these difficulties, former editor Peter Michaleczky (Recommended) has produced two recent and successful anthologies under his own Goblin Publishing imprint (see FML entry), hopefully with more to follow – Was: Kalandor Publishing| 1203 Budapest | Maria u. 3 | Hungary | Tel: +36 1 284 7750 | Fax: +36 1 283 4446 ( SF/F stories between 35,000-40,000 characters. Paid $40-80 USD per story after contract signed.
INDIA (index)
Indian SF | NO – Jan 2014: On hiatus. Do NOT submit here – Geetanjali Dighe, publisher and editor ( The only speculative fiction magazine in India. NOTE: publishes in English! Genres: any speculative. Can be literary but must have a speculative element. Accepts reprints. Accept simultaneous submissions. No multiple submissions. Length: flash fiction - 500 to 1000 words, short stories - 1000 to 5000 words. Payment: INR 750 (~$15USD) per original story or flash fiction. No payment for non-fiction or reprints. Purchases following rights: your fiction and art can be published by Indian SF in various online formats (Email, RSS, web pages, blog posts, pdf and/or other eBook formats) and/or also in form of a book and/or magazine. All submissions via online form on website.
ISRAEL (index)
Bli-Panika | YES (Recommended) – Rami Shalheveth, editor ( E-zine. Publishes translated fiction. Science fiction, fantasy. No S&S. Horror rarely. Prefers short fiction but will consider up to 10k words. Translates from English. No pay. Accepts email subs as rtf attachments.
Israeli Society for SF&F Online Magazine | NO – April 2011: New editor – Ehud Maimon, editor. Online magazine publishes articles, reviews and stories in Hebrew. Also has a non-magazine English section giving general information about the Society and SF&F in Israel. Stories must be submitted in Hebrew. Due to a lack of translators, no longer accepts submissions in English. No pay. Accepts email subs (first word of subject line should be “SUBMISSION") at
Dreams in Aspamia | DEAD (2007) – Never officially closed but hasn't published an issue since 2007 – WAS: Nir Yaniv, Editor. Largest Hebrew language speculative fiction magazine. Published mostly original Hebrew/Israeli fiction. Only considered unsolicited subs if in Hebrew. Only printed 1-2 translated stories per issue. Published SF&F. Pay: 9 agorot per word in translated text (~2 US cents per word).
Mercury | DEAD (2009) – ON INDEFINITE HIATUS AND UNLIKELY TO RETURN. DO NOT SUBMIT. From the editor: "Unfortunately, the economic crisis has hit here as well, and Mercury has gone into an undefined hiatus. ... March (2009) was the last issue of Mercury. When and if we'll be coming back, we'll get in touch with you." – Ilan Bachar Eventure, editor-in-chief. Monthly print magazine. Accept submissions in English and translates into Hebrew. Accepts previously published stories if story hasn’t been published in Israel or in Hebrew. Considers all genres but prefers SF & alt history. Hard SF is an advantage; satire and parody are not. Preferred length 4,000-5,000 words; max 6,500 words but will consider novelettes (~10,000 words). Payment varies by number of factors (length, reprints, critical praise and reviews, genre, reputation of author. Average payment for unpublished story of regular length from a unknown author: ~200 Shekels (~$50 USD). A more established writer may receive more. Payment by PayPal preferred. Email subs at as Word attachments.
The Tenth Dimension | DEAD (2009) – WAS: Rami Shalheveth, translations editor ( Published mostly stories that appeared in Magazine of F&SF in US. Rarely considered translating other stories. Generally restricted to masterpieces or stories written by guests of honour in Israeli sci-fi conventions. Sometimes accepted unsolicited submissions, but rare. No pay. Accepted email submissions.
ITALY (index)
Future Fiction | $$$ – Mar 2022: New market! – Francesco Verso, Editor. "We are not a magazine but a small press, so we publish anthologies and single author's collections or novels. We publish in many languages (Italian, English, Chinese, German) and we translate from more than 10 different languages and accept submissions mostly from Non-English languages." Publishes SF only, specifically "SF narratives about the near future set on Earth, where issues are dealt with on technological and social innovations that could change the destiny of humanity." Example topics (not exhaustive): climate change fiction, artificial intelligence, Solarpunk, 3D printing, ethics of cloning, bioengineering, future professions and trades, big data, augmented reality, blockchain, new media, posthumanism, and biopolitics. Does NOT want: military science fiction, space opera, time travel, encounters with aliens, space exploration and colonization, parallel worlds, urban fantasy, planetary romance, magical realism, and superpowers. Pays €50-100 per story depending on the length. Accepts from 3-7k words. See the submissions page above for submission details and email. Note: requires a synopsis even for short stories.
Robot | $$$ (Recommended) – Apr 2010: editor has temporarily suspended the evaluation of foreign stories – Silvio Sosio, Editor ( Delos Books (see below) also publishes a printed quarterly magazine, Robot, with a couple of translated stories per issue. Have had stories by Andrew Masterson, Ian Watson, Robert J. Sawyer, Robert Sheckley, Neil Gaiman. Pays $100US per story. Accepts email subs.
Delos | YES (Recommended) – Silvio Sosio, Editor ( Delos is part of the Delos Books publishing house, and publish several magazines. Delos is an online magazine established in 1994, Italia and Europa awards winner. Publishes short stories but rarely translates. No pay. Accepts e-mail subs.
Quasar | YES – Luigi Petruzzelli, publisher ( Antonio Bellomi and Luigi Petruzzelli, editors. Publishes SF mostly, less fantasy, very little horror. Accepts reprints and subs in English. Translates at no cost. Payment in copies (two print, one ebook). Preferred length 2,500-4,000 words. Maximum length approximately 7,500 words. Accepts email subs at as RTF or .doc attachments. (Nov 2013)
Editrice Nord | NO – Not interested in receiving English submissions. (Aug 2000).
Cosmo SF | DEAD (2008) – WAS: Gianfranco Viviani, Editor. Viviani sold the house to another company and is now working with Delos Books.
Futuro Europa | DEAD (2008) – The parent company folded and Futuro is no longer operative. Was: Antonio Bellomi, editor ( Magazine from publisher Perseo Libri. Accepted subs in Italian, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and even German. SF preferred over fantasy. Accepted email subs as attachments. No pay.
Intercom-SF | DEAD (2015) – May reopen in future but currently a dead market (thanks to Floris Kleijne for the tip). Was: Danilo Santoni, editor ( SF only. All lengths (short stories, novellettes, novellas, novels). Accepted reprints and subs in English. Translated at no cost. No pay.
Storie | DEAD (2019) – WAS: Accepts high-quality literary fiction and poetry. No genre. Publishes in English and Italian! "More than erudite references or a virtuoso performance, what we're interested in is the recording of a human experience in a genuine, original voice." Max 1,500 words. Pays up to $600US and two contributor copies for first English and Italian rights.
JAPAN (index)
Hayakawa S-F | $$$ – Yoshihiro Shiozawa, Editor | Hayakawa Publishing | 2-2 | Kanda-Tacho | Chiyodaku, Tokyo 101-0046 | JAPAN. Major pro market. Publishes translated reprints from English language markets but doesn’t generally accept direct submissions of stories. Pays about $200US per story.
Dorado Raganos | DEAD (post-2007) (Recommended) – Aug 2016: I'm declaring this one dead. Last communication was 2007 when they declared themselves closed until further notice – WAS: Audrone Vodzinskaite-Stadje, Editor ( | Ormingeringen 55B | SE-132 33 | Saltsjo-Boo, Sweden. SF/F. Pays in copies. E-mail subs. Max length now 100,000 char incl blanks. Fanzine "Dorado Raganos" (The Witches of Dorado) begun in 1994, published by the girls of the Science Fiction club Dorado in Vilnius, Lithuania. Printed in A5 format, 20-28 pages per issue, in Lithuanian. In 1994 and 1996, awarded the prize as the Best SF Fanzine in Lithuania. Published by three women: Diana Butkiene, Elze Surgailyte and Audrone Vodzinskaite-Städje, none of whom is still living in Lithuania. Elze is living in Austin, TX, Diana in Boston, MA, in the US, and Audrone in Stockholm, Sweden. Note: they may ask to publish the story in English on their web site as well, but you can say no.
Kaukas | ??? – Publishes reprints of English-language writers. No contact information.
MEXICO (index)
El Futuro del Ayer, Hoy | ??? – Jan 2023: No new issues since Dec 2020. Appears to be in hiatus or may be dead – Editor: Vicente Munoz. The magazine name translates to "The future of tomorrow, today." Operates from Tijuana, Mexico. Publish in Spanish in digital and print editions every six months, available through Amazon, Google Books and Issuu. Completely open to any genre. Accepts pieces in English and translates to Spanish, but shorter English pieces have a better chance of acceptance. Word length: Up to two pieces of 3,000-4,000 words. Pay: none, but contributers receive a PDF copy of the issue in which they appear. Email submissions to as an attachment (.docx preferred, but they also accept .doc, .odt, .rtf, provided there is no special formatting).
Grupo Editorial Tomo | ??? – Has translated story collections from English-language writers in the past.
A Quien Corresponda | DEAD – Was: Editors Guillermo Lavín and José Luis Velarde ( Amateur mag born in 1985. Published 112 issues and won 5 national prizes for editing. SF/F. Paid in copies. Accepts e-mail subs.
SF Terra | YES – Apr 2014: Warnings received from recent contributor: 2 year delay in publication, no communication or response to queries, story published with major errors. – Cor van Mechelen, editor-in-chief; Ton van Rooij; English submissions editor ( One of the oldest SF associations in the Netherlands, celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2011. Promotes SF (and in particular Perry Rhodan) in the Netherlands with a monthly magazine "SF Terra" (with one original piece of fiction per issue) and an annual anthology "Terraanse Vertellingen". Publishes SF & F. Accepts subs in Dutch, English and German, and translates into Dutch. Stories are typically illustrated. Accepts subs previously published in English markets but only if the story has no more than three prior English and/or German publications and no prior Dutch publications. Also open to pre-publication of upcoming SF-novels. Max length 6,000 words. Illustrations are also welcome. No pay. Contributor copy. Accepts email subs at as DOC or RTF attachments. Queries only to Ton van Rooij; English submissions editor (
Holland SF | NO – Roelof Goudriaan, general editor; Jaap Boekestein and Marcel Orie, fiction editors | Penningmeester NCSF | Mozartlaan 38 | 2253 HX | Voorshoten | THE NETHERLANDS ( Does not accept reprints in English. Only publishes original Dutch articles. Stories are published in a fiction supplement called Wonderwaan. (Dec 2007)
Splinters | NO – Dec 2016: This market is no longer accepting non-Dutch submissions. Thanks to both Bruce Golden and Addison Smith for the tip. – Jasper Polane, Editor/Publisher. New project from Quasis Uitgevers publishing company. Starting January 2016, Quasis will publish a short story in Dutch as a chapbook every month. The stories will fall into speculative fiction in a broad sense (i.e. fantasy, science fiction, supernatural thriller, magical realism and horror). The series is targeted at adult readers, but four editions per year are reserved for young-adult stories. Length: 5,000-10,000 words, preferably close to 7,000. Prefers original stories, but stories previously published in English in print only are acceptable. Please no stories that can be read for free online. Selected stories will be translated into Dutch and edited for content, clarity and structure as well as spelling and language. Because only 12 books will appear per year, the number of places is limited. Payment in royalties and a 100 Euro advance. Submissions: as .doc or .docx attachments to
Wonderwaan | NO – Mar 2017: No longer does translations from English. Thanks to Stephen Kotowych for the update. – Jaap Boekestein and Marcel Orie, fiction editors | Postbus 16493, 1001 RN Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS ( Fiction supplement to Holland SF. Publishes all fantastic genres and cross overs. "Wonderwaan works with themes like Weird West, Steampunk and so on. We are looking for stories that do new and challinging things with those themes. For a current list of themes and deadlines contact us at" Accepts submissions in Dutch and English, and will translate into Dutch. Accepts subs previously published in English markets but only if story has at most three prior English publications and no prior Dutch publications. Email subs ONLY at above address with Word, RTF or ASCI TXT attachment. No PDF! Max length of 7,000 words. Illustrations are also welcome. No pay. Contributor copy.
Pure Fantasy | DEAD (2013) – May 2012: Editor/publisher Alex de Jong has announced the magazine will stop completely at the end of 2012. No longer a paying market. – WAS: Alex de Jong, Editor/Publisher ( Publishes "fantasy, SF and horror and all the subgenres and slipstream in between." Annual anthology. Goal is to be a mag for Dutch pro writers and new Dutch talent. Preference is given to Dutch writers and submissions in Dutch. Will translate the occasional submission in English for well-known names from abroad. 10,000 words max; 4,000 words preferred. Pay: No longer pays for stories, as of Jan 2012. Used to pay15 Euro per story, starting in 2011. Accepts email subs as Word or RTF attachments. (May 2012)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Warp | DEAD (2007) – Thanks to Django Mathijsen for the tip! – WAS: Jacques Post, Editor | J.M. Meulenhoff | Herengracht 505 | 1017 BV | Amsterdam | THE NETHERLANDS ( Dutch/Belgian slick, colour cover, promotional magazine from publisher Meulhenhoff.
Visionair | DEAD (2001) – Was: Klaas Wassenaar, Editor | Robinsonstraat 60 | 8923 AT LEEUWARDEN | THE NETHERLANDS (
NIGERIA (index)
Sub-Saharan Magazine | Publishes in ENGLISH! – Online weekly magazine dedicated to publishing speculative fiction with an African flavour. Also publishes a quarterly "Best of" anthology. Welcomes stories from the rest of the world if they present Africa in a fantasy, science fiction, or horror setting or with speculative elements. Publishes in English! Max length: 2,000 words (prefers 100-1,000). Pay: 1¢ per word for up to 1,000 words, $10 for stories above that, $5 for any piece below 500 words. Pay on publication via PayPal or with Amazon Gift Cards for foreign (non-Nigerian) authors. See website for more detailed guidelines. Submissions: as a DOC, DOCX, or RTF attachment to with "Story Submission: Your Story Title" as the subject of the email.
POLAND (index)
Fahrenheit | ??? – – Being investigated. Email: Warning: two reports of this magazine publishing a story without contact with or permission of author.
Nowa Fantastyka | NO (avoid) – July 2020: WARNING — Received reports magazine has published an extremely homophobic story in most recent issue. | May 2015: New foreign rights editor changed NF's policy and now has no interest in receiving unsolicited English submissions. – Mr. Marcin Zwierzchowski, Foreign Rights Manager (replaces Pawel Ziemkiewicz) | Nowa Fantastyka | Garazowa 7 | 02-651 Warsaw | POLAND ( or Once upon a time, this magazine was happy to receive English language submissions by mail, or email as .rtf or .txt attachments. No longer the case. Long established, monthly professional SF magazine slick colour cover. Articles, full-colour SF/F art, original Polish fiction and translated fiction. Pays $3 per page with about 1,800 characters per page. Prefers traditional themes (exploration of space, aliens, far future, high fantasy) and especially stories concerning cultural clashes (here and everywhere, anytime), various mythologies or elements taken from them.
Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror | NO – July 2011: Web site and email no longer working. – Mr. Robert J. Szmidt, editor-in-chief | Wydawnictwo Wieza | Zawiszy Czarnego 10/188 | 40-832 Katowice | Poland. Been on the market for a few years now and established a firm position, catching up with the leading and established Nowa Fantastyka. Colour cover, black-and-white inside, not illustrated (to save space for more stories, as the editor says). Published monthly, Polish short stories and novelettes. Only accepts Polish authors. Also columns by well-known Polish authors and comic strips. Pays???. Prefers classic prose narratives (no formal experiments). Email subs as rtf or txt attachments.
Magazyn Fantastyczny | NO – Mr. Robert Zareba, editor-in-chief | Magazyn Fantastyczny | Sandomierska 28/25 | 26-600 Radom | Poland ( Quarterly. 100+ pages. Colour cover, black-and-white inside, lots of illustrations. Cartoons. Only publish Polish authors. SF, fantasy, horror. Submissions by e-mail.
Czerwony Karzel | DEAD (2004) – Email addresses all dead. No reply to inquiries re acceptance of story with expected publ date in June 2002. Was: Michal Szklarski, Editor-in-chief | GKF, PO Box 76 | 80-325 Gdansk 37 | POLAND. SF & F magazine with a slick colour cover, produced by the Gdański Klub Fantastyki (GKF), or the Science Fiction Club of Gdansk. Original Polish fiction and translated fiction. Accepted and translated reprints from English language markets. No payment. Accepted e-mail subs.
Szortalnautil | DEAD – Jan 2020 (from editor): Magazine on indefinite hiatus – Editor: Malgorzata Gwara ( Prefers fantasy & science fiction, and also crime/mystery. Max length: 5,000 characters (which would typically be 800-850 words in English). Are opening a new department where they will publish up to 20,000 characters (again, this would typically be 3,000-3,500 words in English). Payment: none. Submissions: attachment in an email (RTF preferred) or link to story. Submissions address:
PORTUGAL (index)
Bang! | YES Oct 2017: New editor, new submission email address, ms length guidelines – Safaa Dib, Editorial Director. Accepts subs in English, preferably reprints. Maximum length: 5,000 words. Sub at Pays in copies (2).
Dragão Quântico (Quantum Dragon) | DEAD (2006) – Jun 2006: email from editor stating that DQ is on hold, and that submissions to DQ have been passed to a new magazine being started, Bang! See the entry for Bang! on this site – WAS: Rogério Ribeiro, Editor ( Portuguese fanzine, printed. Fantasy, SF, and Horror fiction; Science non-fiction. Main goal is to promote Portuguese authors. But also interested in introducing foreign authors to its readers. Submission GLs: Authors must first contact DQ by email [dragaoquantico(at)] with a brief bio. Please don't send stories or articles first! Preference given to authors not yet published in Portugal and to previously edited and published works. Fiction: English subs only. Non-fiction: special attention given to articles addressing relation between Science and Fiction; English preferred, but will consider French or Spanish. Art subs: b&w interior illos, color cover art, b&w sequential art within genre. Accepts e-mail subs as RTF attachments (not .doc). Max 30,000 words with stories over 10,000 words serialized in up to three issues. Pay in copies. Author receives Word file with translation, which author can market unchanged to other Portuguese pubs three months after publication in DQ with proper credit to DQ and translator. Illos in DQ can only be reused with permission of artist. All published works remain property of author. Submission implies acceptance of these guidelines and authorization for publication in DQ.
Simetria | NO – Antonio de Macedo, Editor | Pavilh a do dramatico de Cascais | Av. da Repúblico | 2750-475, Cascais | PORTUGAL ( Simetria is the Portuguese SF association, and has in the past published an anthology for the local annual SF convention, including short stories from Portuguese writers and from foreign guests attending the convention. No current plans.
E-nigma | DEAD (~2008) – WAS: Jorge Candeias, editor. E-zine. Focused on fiction originally written in Portuguese. Published SF&F but preferred SF. Minimum 1,000 words. No max. Accepted subs in English. No fixed payment rate but tended to be low. Payment based on volunteer donations from public who could donate any amount to any story, group of stories, or to site as a whole. Site kept half and other half was paid to authors (or, for translations, to authors and translators). Accepted e-mails subs in RTF or TXT format (not DOC).
Hyperdrive | DEAD – Was edited by Ricardo Loureiro.
Nova | DEAD (2009) – WAS: Ricardo José Melo Loureiro, editor ( Ezine specialized in stories centered on SF, but considered fantasy, surrealism, horror. Published only in Portuguese and translations were done in-house at no cost to the author. Accepted mss already published elsewhere. Preferred max length 10,000 words. Payment: From 500 to 1000 words – 20 euros; from 1001 to 2000 – 25 euros; 2001 to 3000 – 30 euros; 3001 to 4000 – 35 euros; 4001 to 5000 – 40 euros; longer than 5000, 40 euros for first 5000 words and the remainder according to prior scale (e.g., 5,500-word story would receive 60 euros, 40 for 5000 + 20 for the remaining 500 words). Payment upon acceptance. Author received translated file. Author sites, blogs or other web presence got a link on the e-zine site and mention on the e-zine. Also accepted illustrations/photos in colour or b/w. Interior illustrations: 5 euros. Cover illustrations: 25 euros. Email subs at as file attachment (.doc, .rtf, .txt for text; .png, .gif, .jpg for graphics).
Paradoxo | DEAD (2000) – Was: Daniel Tércio, Editor | Pavilh a do dramatico de Cascais | Av. da Repúblico | 2750-475, Cascais | PORTUGAL ( Was a quarterly magazine with reviews, articles, Portuguese and translated fiction, published by the Portuguese SF association, Simetria. Published 7 issues from 1999-2000.
Phantastes | DEAD – Was: Tiago Gama and Telmo Pinto, editors. Electronic fanzine in PDF. No rights retained. Paid in copies. Email subs at phantastes(at)gmail(dot)com).
ROMANIA (index)
Fantastica | YES – Apr 2015: New name for magazine and new website. Used to be Revista SRSFF. Thanks to Floris Kleijne for the tip. – Editor: Cristian Tamas ( publishes SF stories. Accepts stories in English and French. Volunteer run. No pay. Accepts email subs as Word, RTF, or text attachments at
Galaxia 42 | YES – May 2024: New market. Thanks to Ron Fein for the tip. – online webzine, mostly covering SF&F genres, but some horror and mystery/crime. Also publishes science articles, F&SF news, books and films reviews, essays and audio, video and photo products. Accepts: short stories, translations, novel fragments, serials, poetry, flash-fiction, fan-fiction. Accepts reprints if initial publication was in one of the known genre magazines. Also accepts comics, illustrations, graphics, films; reviews for books, films, games. No pay. Word limit: 20,000 words. Submissions: (txt, doc, docx, rtf or odt). Include your name, email address, a short biography, story title, word count, genre and where it was published before if it is a reprint. Usual response time: 30 days.
Helion | YES – May 2021: New market! – Since 1980, Helion Magazine has published SF short stories as well as related SF, art information, essays, pamphlets, novel excerpts, reviews, frontier sciences, electronic music information. Publishes 2-4 print issues per year and monthly online. No minimum or maximum word count. Magazine is supported by the voluntary contribution of club members. Pay: copies (2). Print magazine is not sold, but distributed free to members and contributors to the issue. Accept submissions in English and translates into Romanian. Offers option to publish story in English plus translation into Romanian. Submissions: email at with Word attachment (.docx, .doc).
Anticipatia | DEAD – WAS: Central Europe’s longest running SF mag (1955) – Contact: Traian Badulescu
Imagikon | DEAD (2004) – Was: Monthly literary e-zine. Was mostly interested in speculative fiction. Published in English. Reprints: query. Length: stories 4,000 – 7,000 words, poems and essays up to 3,000 words. Took sim subs. Did not pay.
Lumi Virtuale | DEAD (2007) – Was: Michael Haulica, Editor ( Publishes in English and Romanian. Publishes science fiction, fantasy, magic realism, slipstream, cyberpunk. No horror. No max length, but if the stories are 500 to 5000 words length, it is possible to translate them into Romanian. Accepts reprints and simultaneous submissions for English page. Translates some stories from English into Romanian. No pay.
Revista Nautilus | DEAD – Dec 2016: editor says magazine no longer produced. Thanks for the tip to Gareth Jones – WAS: Established 2012. Editor: Marian Truta ( Published SF&F stories. Accepted stories in English. No pay. Email subs as Word, RTF, or Text attachments to
Sci-Fi Magazin | DEAD (2008) – Magazine folded due to poor financial results. WAS: Catalin Moraru, editor-in-chief, SC Mediapress SRL, Al. M. Kogalniceanu nr 4, Botosani, 710191, Jud. Botosani, Romania ( Editor was fluent in written and spoken English. First issue Oct 2007. 80 pages, circulation ~3,000, quarterly. Only SF magazine in Romania. Published only SF&F. Accepted subs in English. Accepted previously published stories. Any length. Accepted email subs at as Word or Open Office attachments. Payment generally $30-100USD per story by PayPal.
SFera | DEAD (2011) – WAS: Marian Taralunga, Editor-in-Chief ( Publishes science fiction, horror, fantasy, essays, reviews. Accept subs in English, but only for publication in English. They do not translate into Romanian for publication in Romanian. No pay. Accepts email subs as Word, RTF, or Text attachments.
RUSSIA (index)
Kosmoport | DEAD (2015) – March 2015: Email from editor stating journal is now closed. Thanks to Timons Esaias for the tip – WAS: Name means "Spaceport" in Russian. Published fantastic works previously not printed in Russian and not "overexposed" on the Internet. B-5 format, 64 pages. Max length: 6,000 words. Payment: $12 per 1,000 words. Payment by bank transfer, WebMoney, or PayPal. Submission process: via email subs as Word (.doc) attachments at (Dec 2014)
Esli | NO – Alexander Shalganov, Editor-in-Chief ( Title means "What If" in Russian. Oldest SF & fantasy periodical in Russia. Publishes SF (rarely fantasy and no horror). Mostly Russian and Russian-speaking authors but also try to introduce foreign writers. NOT open to submissions from non-Russian writers. Your only route into Esli is to be published in Asimov's or Analog, as they have an agreement with those mags to reprint stories they like. Non-profit mag. Translates for free. One-time publication rights. No pay or only a "symbolic" payment. Contributor copy. Accepts e-mail subs as MS-Word attachment at
Supernova | DEAD – WAS: Larisa Mikhaylova, editor ( Accepted e-mail subs. Paid in copies. From editor: "Essentially our magazine serves as a launching pad for new authors, previously not translated into Russian. Afterwards, book publishers consider their work for paid contracts, with us usually serving as literary agents."
SERBIA (index)
Antares | DEAD (2011) – June 2011: Update from editor, "Antares has not been updated in quite some time; I'm afraid that the project has been abandoned. If we somehow do get it up and running again, I'll be sure to inform you." Thanks to Gareth D. Jones for the tip. – Miloš Milivojević, Editor ( Was: Irregular blogzine. Accepted unsolicited submissions in English. Genres: mainly science fiction and fantasy but horror also acceptable. No pay. Email subs at above address as Word doc or PDF attachment.
SLOVAKIA (index)
Fantazia | DEAD (2011) – Jan 2013: editor has reported that the magazine closed in 2011 due to financial issues. – WAS: Juraj Malicek, editor-in-chief ( Published F & SF. Magazine was run as a hobby, so pay was copies unless you were a "name." Accepted e-mail subs at
Afrifiksie | NO – January 2016: New Market! Thanks to Gareth D. Jones for the tip. – Gerhardus Thompson, editor ( South Africa-based webzine that publishes in Afrikaans. They have a regular story competition section and a 'just for fun' page where they publish short stories in Afrikaans. They do not translate. No other information currently available.
SPAIN (Spanish) (index)
Darkly Yours | YES Use link below to see if this market is open for submissions – Editor: Fermín Moreno, Tusitala Ediciones. From the editor: "We are now open to submissions for a brand new project: an anthology of short stories called "Darkly Yours". This time we are going to publish it in English, even though we are a Spanish cultural association (a humble one, by the way). Later, we would translate the texts into Spanish and publish the book in that language. "Darkly Yours" will be about love and darkness, from no matter what point of view (the darker the better, though). Relationships taken from a devious angle, so to speak. Your story can be horror, dark fantasy, even SF, on the condition that love is essential to the plot and it has a twist to the dark and sinister. It will feature short stories from both English & Spanish-speaking writers. We are a non-profit cultural association called Tusitala Ediciones, devoted to this kind of risky & quixotic projects since 2003. We already published a French version of our Spanish mag SABLE, and an Italian SF/horror anthology a few years ago. Being this a really modest project, we rely on crowdfunding in order to try and publish it. With the money received –if any–, we'll try to meet the expenses and compensate somehow all contributors: authors, illustrator, translators, proofreader... Because of our limited resources, it would be really difficult to go on with this anthology all alone." Length: 3,000-8,000 words. Format: Times 12, single spaced. Stories must be completely unpublished, not having appeared either in print or in whatsoever online form (ebook, blogs...). Deadline: Sept 13, 2011. Payment: one copy of English & Spanish books "plus a little payment." Email subs: as RTF attachments (NOT .docx). NOTE: to check whether Darkly Yours is open to submissions, go to and click the link on the right called: ENVÍO DE TEXTOS - SUBMISSIONS.
Sable | YES – Aug 2011: still active, but currently closed to submissions. Link added to check whether magazine is open to submissions. – Fermin Moreno Gonzalez, Editor ( Print mag published in Spanish. Editor is a literary translator and artist. Translates and publishes stories from international authors. Accepts unsolicited subs that meet GL's. SF (hard and soft), dark fantasy, horror, mystery, whodunnit, adventure, eroticism, humour. Short stories only, no poems or essays. 500-3,000 words, occasionally 4,000-5,000 words for exceptional stories. All stories are illustrated. Pay: copies, plus translated bio in issue and links to author's web site on Sable site. Translates for free. Retains copyright of translations, but six months after publication, author may market translation to other publications. Accepts email subs as RTF attachments to either of above addresses. NOTE: to check whether Sable is open to submissions, go to and click the link on the right called: ENVÍO DE TEXTOS - SUBMISSIONS.
BEM | NO – Ricard de la Casa, Editor | Joan Manel Ortiz, co-publisher | Apartado 6092, 47080 Valladolid, SPAIN ( Not a professional magazine. No pay. Currently accepts submissions only in Spanish. December 2000: ceased print publication. It will continue as a webzine.
Cuentos Para Algernon | NO – Feb 2024: Thanks for the tip to Gareth D Jones –Editor: Marcheto. Does not accept submissions in English.
Gigamesh | NO – Sep 2017: No longer has an open submission process. Thanks for the tip to Stewart Baker – Alex Vidal, Asst. Editor ( | Ediciones Gigamesh | C/. Ausias March, 26, desp. 44 | 08010 Barcelona | SPAIN. Fanzine. Accepts and translates reprints from English language markets. Any kind of stories. Traditional short story length. No pay. Accepts e-mail subs as Word attachments.
Alfa Eridiani | DEAD (2016) – Magazine ceased publication as of Feb 26 2016. Published stories will remain in their archive for one year, after which all rights return to the authors. – Was: Jose Joaquín, editor. SF only. A magazine "for fans, by and for fans of science fiction. Short stories, poems, articles, biographies, historical reviews, comics, opinions, suggestions." Only accepts subs in Spanish. Produced every two months in PDF format available for download from the internet. Max length up to 20,000 words. Accepts drawings from artists for section called The Portfolio (must be 6-9 drawings in number, unpublished and SF-related). Submissions at as .doc or .rtf attachments. No pay.
Aurora Bitzine | DEAD (2024)– Nov 2024: all emails bounce back. I’m declaring this one dead. – WAS: Manuel Burón, editor ( | Madrid. Monthly ezine in Spanish. Any speculative fiction. Stories, reviews and related articles. All lengths. No pay. Accepts email subs as Word attachments. NOTE: publishes English version of story on website as well as the translated version. Alternate emails:;;
Bucanero | DEAD (1999) – Was: Carlos González | Apartado 32 | Las Rozas | 28230 Madrid – Spain ( Dead market. Fanzine that published its final issue: #13 in December 1999.
Efimeras | DEAD (2008) – Last issue was #135 – Was an ezine created by Santiago Eximeno in 2004 as a non-profit project. SF, fantasy, horror. Flash fiction only (<200 words). Was published in Spanish only but accepted subs in English. Email sub address was, either in body of email or as attachment (.txt, .rtf, or .doc). Did not pay.
Paura | DEAD (2008) – Issue#4 was their last. Was: Santiago Eximeno, editor. Annual horror anthology, edited by “Colectivo Xatafi" and published by Bibliopolis. Short stories and short novels to a max length of 25,000 words. Accepted unsolicited subs in English but only during the annual reading period, traditionally Feb 1 – May 30. Paid in copies (4). Accepted email subs during the reading period as RTF attachments.
SPAIN (Catalan) (index)
Catarsi | YES – Sep 2017: New website. Thanks to Stewart Baker for the tip – Albert Valls Rovira, Editor ( A5 size magazine with glossy colour cover. Non-profit magazine. Accepts unsolicited submissions in English and translates into Catalan. Accept submissions in any language. Currently are able to translate from English, German, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Would seek seek the necessary help to translate other languages. Genres: SF, fantasy and horror. Maximum length: 6,000 words. Pays in copy. Accepts email submissions in Open Office, Word, TXT and RTF.
SPAIN (Galician) (index)
Nova Fantasia | YES – Fran Morell, editor ( Web zine with no print version. Accepts unsolicited submissions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese/Galician, and translates into Galician. Translations of longer stories can take some time. Material in Portuguese are not translated because all Galician readers read Portuguese. Max length: 7,500 words (but will consider longer). Genres: whatever can be called speculative fiction, including horror, fantasy, SF. No pay. Email subs at or in RTF or Word-compatible file.
SWEDEN (index)
Enhorningen (Unicorn) | NO – Ben Roimola, Editor ( SF & Fantasy, printed since 1987 & web since 1998. Only accepts submissions in Swedish. Does not translate.
Jules Verne Magasinet | NO – Mr. Sam J. Lundwall, Editor | Box 14004 | 104 40 Stockholm | SWEDEN ( Long-established magazine. Only accepts submissions in Swedish.
Mitrania | NO – Robert Andersson, Editor ( Print & web. Only accepts submissions in Swedish. Does not translate.
Nova SF | DEAD (2011) – July 2011: no issue produced for 2 years. I'm declaring this one dead. – WAS: John-Henri Holmberg, editor/publisher ( Digest-sized, 160 pages, approx 80,000 words, print run approx 800 copies, sold by subscription and carried by a few large magazine stores and bookstores. Primarily publishes translated stories, mostly from English and mostly stories requested by the editor, but will consider unsolicited submissions of stories published in pro markets. SF only (no fantasy, no slipstream); possibly SF horror but no supernatural horror. Buys one-time non-exclusive Swedish language serial rights. Does not take stories previously published in Swedish. Pays on pub'n, 1US cent per word rounded up to nearest even $25US (i.e., 1,385 words pays $25US; 8,000 words pays $100US). Accepts email subs, RTF attachments preferred.
UKRAINE (index)
RBG Azimut | NO – Sep 2019: new market. Thanks to Gareth Jones for the tip. – NOTE: Only accepts submissions written in Ukrainian or Russian.
Empires SF Magazine | DEAD (2004) – Was: Boris Sidyuk, Editor | c/o Canberra-Klen Limited | PO Box 12 | Kiev 254209 | UKRAINE.
Real'nost' Fantastiki | DEAD (2011) – Jan 2012 email from editor: "Unfortunately, Real'nost' Fantastiki had been discontinued in August 2011. Officially it is not yet closed but all activities are on hold. There will be a new project in late 2012 but I still have not much info yet." – WAS: Boris Sidyuk, foreign editor ( Name means "Science Fiction Reality." Was published monthly in Russian in Kiev, Ukraine. Publishes SF, fantasy, horror. Payment (varied) in USD for the first Russian-language rights, which included one publication in the magazine and one possible promotional publication in a short collection or a newspaper fiction section.