A New Zelazny Novel!!
I am a huge fan of the late Roger Zelazny (pictured here), one of the three so-called "New Wave" writers who redefined the SF&F field in the sixties and seventies (bonus points if you can name the other two). Zelazny died in 1995 from cancer, far too young at 58.
So you can imagine my excitement when I read in Locus that Hard Case Crime recently purchased THE DEAD MAN'S BROTHER, an unpublished crime thriller by Zelazny. "It's a full length novel (not a novella), it's complete (and completely written by Roger), and it's very good."
Apparently, the book was scheduled to be published by Berkeley in 1972, but was subsequently cancelled. For some reason, it never was published and was only recently discovered by his son, Trent, in his papers. No news on a release date.
Zelazny's many awards included six Hugos and two Nebulas. If you've never read his work, I envy you the discovery. Check out LORD OF LIGHT, JACK OF SHADOWS, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, and of course, the AMBER novels. His short fiction was consistently amazing, and THE LAST DEFENDER OF CAMELOT is probably my favourite collection of his.