
"Jigsaw" in Greek, apparently with nipples

My story "Jigsaw" has been published in the Greek magazine, Ennea.

Now, "Jigsaw" was originally written for Odyssey, a YA SF anthology edited by Julie Czerneda in 2004, and being YA, I'm fairly certain my story didn't inspire the cover shown here at the right. Ennea is a weekly comic magazine supplement to a major Greek newspaper that publishes an SF story in each issue.

This is my fourth appearance in the magazine, so by now I'm used to their, uh, interesting covers (see here and here for covers from my earlier appearances).

Hey, it's a comic magazine, so their covers reflect their target audience of teenage boys. But the story did get published with a couple of illos that do reflect the story, shown here as well.

Spirit Dancing in Italy

My first (and most published) story, "Spirit Dance," appeared in June this year translated into Italian in the long-running magazine, Robot (cover to the left, by Stephan Martiniere).

Cool to be sharing cover credits with Lois McMaster Bujold and Robert Reed.

This is the 18th appearance and 14th language for this little tale, which is encouraging, seeing that this story was the genesis for my just-completed novel. A French translation of this story won the Aurora in 2001. "Spirit Dance" was included in my collection, Impossibilia.

Personal website for writers: a plug

Here's a plug for the gentleman (and friend) who hosts my web site here. Marcel Gagné, via his consulting company, Salmar Consulting, offers web sites for professional writers. Marcel hosts the sites on very fast servers, and they run under Drupal, which I personally have found to be powerful, flexible, and easy to use. I maintain the content and design of this entire site myself, with only a bare minimum knowledge of a few HTML codes. Check out the link above for more information.

"By Her Hand..." translated into Galician

My short horror story, "By Her Hand, She Draws You Down," has been translated into Galician and published in the web zine, Nova Fantasia, accompanied by cool and creepy illos like the one to the right here.

Twenty-four languages and counting.

Lost Zelazny novel published

Back in February 2008, I'd blogged about an unpublished novel by the late great Roger Zelazny that had been discovered in Roger's papers by his son, Trent, and was to be published by Hard Case Crime in the US.

I'd forgotten all about until today, so I did a search to see if it had ever come out. Major woo hoo's!! It was published back in February to very positive reviews, and is available here. Try to ignore the trashy cover with the cute brunette, bare midriff, eyes locked on the hero's big blade (not too Freudian, eh?), and instead check out an excerpt from the first chapter.

It is just so cool to be reading "new" Zelazny prose again. This one is on my Christmas list, and when I finally have it in my hands, I'm going to follow Neil Gaiman's advice from that article:

"I am reading this book really slowly. A chapter a month. Because when it’s done, there won’t be any classic period Zelazny novels I haven’t read ... And from what I have read so far, it is classic wonderful Roger Zelazny all the way."

At least this is one more Zelazny novel than any of us could have expected. You are missed, Roger.

Story in Campus Chills anthology

Campus Chills anthology coverA few months ago, friend and fellow writer, Mark Leslie (aka Mark Lefebvre) invited me to submit a story for an anthology that he was editing called Campus Chills.

Today Bulgaria, tomorrow the world

I've just posted ever so many updates to the FML, my Foreign Market List, where "foreign" means non-English. Thanks to everyone who assisted with tips and information, but especially to fellow writer, Gareth Jones, in the UK.

This seemed like a good time to check on the number of languages that I've had my stories translated into. Twenty-two, listed below in decreasing order of appearances. Nothing compared to Frank Roger, the Belgian multi-lingual writer, who I had the pleasure of meeting in August at Anticipation in Montreal. Frank (I believe) is over thirty languages and counting. I've also included some of my favourite covers and illos from my translated works below.

English, French, Greek, Russian, German, Portuguese, Spanish (SA), Italian, Hungarian, Finnish, Dutch, Czech, Polish, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Croatian, Chinese, Spanish (Castillian), Slovakian, Romanian, Danish, Bulgarian


CHIMERASCOPE: The cover! (woo hoo!)

Coolness! Here's the final cover (cover artist: Erik Mohr) for my upcoming "full" collection, Chimerascope, which I wrote about here. "Full" with quotation marks, since, much to my surprise, I have more published stories than I could fit into this second collection. The limited edition hardcover is available for pre-order now. The hardcover print run will be based solely on the pre-orders. A trade paperback edition will be available later.

CHIMERASCOPE: My new collection available for pre-order

I'm very excited to announce that my new collection of short fiction, Chimerascope, from ChiZine Publications, is now available for pre-order for the limited edition hardcover.

This is my first full collection with sixteen of my favourite stories, covering a range of genres--fantasy, SF, horror, and stories that mix them all. The collection includes an Aurora Award winner, a Best New Horror selection, and nine Aurora finalists.

It will also be available in trade paperback later but the limited edition hardcover will only be available to those who pre-order it, as the print run will be based on those orders. ChiZine Publications has also signed a distribution deal with The Literary Press Group of Canada (LPG), which will see ChiZine's books including Chimerascope available through Amazon and in Chapters/Indigo. I'll post the final cover as soon as I have it.

UPDATED: My WorldCon / Anticipation 2009 Schedule

Here's my schedule of panels and readings for this year's WorldCon (World Science Fiction convention), Anticipation 2009, in Montreal, Aug 6-10. I've added the times when I'll be signing at the SF Canada table. Hope to see you there!


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